Everyday Mindfulness for Busy Clinicians – January 9, 2021

Full day workshop that will take place as a virtual event, online.

Date: Saturday, January 9, 2021
Time: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM ET
Maximum Participation: 30 ophthalmologists
Facilitators: Rev. Andrew Blake and Dr. Agnes Wong
Language: Presentation will be in English
Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApc-mhqT4qGNE3lmF_7TLPCzMUWYQXZr8f

Physician wellness is an important issue and a growing concern within the medical profession. The recently released CMA National Physician Health Survey (2018) revealed that physicians experienced high burnout (30%), depression (34%), and lifetime suicidal ideation (19%). In addition, surgical specialists had 1.74 higher odds (74% increase in odds) to report low emotional well-being than those practising in other areas. Research has demonstrated that both intrinsic (e.g., personal traits) and extrinsic factors (e.g., high workload, long working hours, poor work-life integration, practice environment) adversely impact physician wellness.

In this one-day workshop, we will address physician wellness by introducing and developing mindfulness skills in participants so that they could tackle these contributing factors more skillfully at personal, interpersonal, and system levels. The emphasis will be placed on experiential exercises and everyday strategies aim to enhance personal and situational awareness in a physician’s busy life. A variety of formats including mindfulness training, didactic sharing, dyad exercises, prose/poem reading, and group discussion will be used to ensure an interactive experience that is invigorating, informative, and practical.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:


Beyond BurnoutDownload

CPD Credits

The workshop Everyday Mindfulness for Busy Clinicians is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 5 hours.

Access Details

Kindly note that there is a maximum attendance of 30 participants, when you register you will be sent a confirmation email with the event details.
To attend this event, please register here:  https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZApc-mhqT4qGNE3lmF_7TLPCzMUWYQXZr8f

Virtual Retina Case Conference Canada 2020

Virtual Retina Case Conference Canada 2020 will take place on Saturday, November 21. While cases for presentation are no longer being accepted, registration for the meeting is still open.

Join your colleagues for a day of interactive case discussions mixed with presentations from our guest lecturers, Dr. Carl Regillo from Wills Eye and Dr. Wai-Ching Lam from the University of Hong Kong.

Access Details

Visit the website for further details about the Virtual Retina Case Conference Canada 2020: https://www.retinaccc.ca/

Webinar – Navigating the Road to Retirement

On Tuesday, November 17, 2020, from 7:30 pm ET, COS will host a webinar to address retirement from an ophthalmology practice. Canadian ophthalmologists share their experience and ask experts their questions around finances for retirement, the details for closing a practice and some of the not often talked about pyscho-social components related to retirement.

Join Drs. Colin Mann and Yvonne Buys as they explore the different retirement paths of Dr. Yvonne Buys, Dr. Jamie Oestreicher, and Dr. Raj Mohandas. We will also hear from experts in the field, Dr. Alan Roadburg, Dr. Richard Mimeault from the CMPA, and Kim Peterson from MD Financial Management.

Access Details

Date: Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Time: 7:30 – 9:10 pm ET

Registration: https://psav.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XpSpIpVkQxuCT4O0PmSMSQ

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

CanMEDS Role: Professional 

CPD Credits  

This webinar is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 1.75 hours. 


COS will send all participants their Certificate of participation following the webinar. 

Navigating the Road to Retirement

Consider the following resources as you navigate the road to retirement.

Physician Retirement Readiness Study – May 31, 2019 https://invested.mdm.ca/e-books-and-whitepapers/md-physician-retirement-readiness-study

Physician Financial Literacy Study – January 10, 2020 https://invested.mdm.ca/e-books-and-whitepapers/md-physician-financial-literacy-study

Closing or Leaving a Practice

How to Manage Your Medical Records

Life After Medicine – A Resource Center designed for retiring and retired physicians. aftermedicine.com

WEBINAR – How COVID-19 Is Changing the Evidence Landscape

Webinar Date: October 20, 2020

Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm EDT
Registration Required: https://cadth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gnMamStBQPmrjsXNYf53Cw

Around the world, governments, researchers, and health care providers are working under extreme pressure to develop and deliver effective, evidence-based approaches to prevent, detect, treat, and manage COVID-19. The need for swift action combined with the constantly changing information we have about the virus is altering the evidence landscape in many ways.

This webinar will explore whether COVID-19 has changed the evidence landscape paradigm, the type of evidence used to make decisions, the utility of rapid reviews to support critically important policy and clinical decisions, and the level of risk decision-makers are willing to tolerate. Speakers will also explore whether COVID 19 has changed how we look at evidence going forward.

Join CADTH CEO Suzanne McGurn as she moderates a candid discussion with leading experts, including:

Access Details

To participate, please register (there is no cost). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the webinar. Register here: https://cadth.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gnMamStBQPmrjsXNYf53Cw

Section 1 Accreditation Toolkit

Access the resources to assist you with designing and delivering an Accredited CPD Activity.


Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

COS Disclosure FormDownload

Conflict of Interest Disclosure Slide

Disclosure slide templateDownload

Activity Budget

Budget templateDownload

Sample Evaluation

Evaluation Form templateDownload

Sample Certificate of Attendance

Sample Certificate of Attendance – BilingualDownload

How to Develop Needs Assessment Strategy

How To Do A Needs AssessmentDownload
How To Develop Learning ObjectivesDownload
List of Verbs for Formulating Educational ObjectivesDownload

Application Documents

Section 1 Accreditation ApplicationDownload

Other helpful documents


Co-developed CPD Activity Resources

Access these resources to assist you with designing and delivering a co-developed CPD Activity.

Guiding Principles for Co-development with COSDownload
Co-development of Accredited Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Activities – FAQDownload
COS Policy on Accrediting Co-developed ActivitiesDownload

The Consortium of Universities for Global Health – Webinars

The Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH) is a Washington, DC based organization of over 170 academic institutions and other organizations from around the world engaged in addressing global health challenges. CUGH was established in 2008 with funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Rockefeller Foundation.

CUGH supports academic institutions and partners to improve the wellbeing of people and the planet through education, research, service, and advocacy.

While CUGH is not focused exclusively in eye health, it is a resource for global health. Ophthalmologists with a mind for global health will find their webinars touch on a broad range of subjects from around the world. To access CUGH list of future webinars and collection of previously recorded webinars, click here.

American Academy of Ophthalmology – Global Ophthalmology Resources

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) is the US counterpart to the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, and is the world’s largest association of eye physicians and surgeons. As one of the leading global eye health organizations, they have published a number of excellent resources related to global ophthalmology, including:

Global Ophthalmology Guide – The AAO’s Global Ophthalmology Guide is an interactive database of articles, training opportunities, and other interesting resources that span a large range of global ophthalmic topics.

Epidemiology and Biostatistics for the Global Ophthalmologist Epidemiology and Biostatistics for the Global Ophthalmologist is an easy-to-browse adaptation from the book of the same name by Alfred Sommer, MD, MHS. The resource is targeted towards ophthalmologists in practice or training who desire a fundamental understanding of epidemiology, statistics, and interpretation of ophthalmic research literature.

Readers can expect to:

Ethics in Global Ophthalmology – In global clinical care and research, ophthalmologists must always act in the best interests of patients and the local community by maintaining high ethical standards. This collection of content reviews the ethical role of trainees and risk management in a global setting, and the numerable ethical challenges in global practice: appropriate supervision, competence, informed consent, perioperative care, patient vulnerability and privacy, and potential conflicts of interest. Please note that you must be logged in to the AAO website to access this content.

Volunteer Work in Global Ophthalmology – Volunteering abroad is undergoing a sea change. Gone are the days of simply flying overseas to an under-resourced community, performing hundreds of cataract surgeries, and returning home to your practice. Most communities now have their own health systems in place with local physicians who can perform procedures at a lower cost than in the past. This resource is designed to help ophthalmologists increase their knowledgebase and efficacy as volunteers in eye health on the global stage.