Participate by Live Stream or in-person on October 10 from 1:30 – 2:30 PM. This interactive talk will provide an overview of what predatory journals are and describe how they are having an impact on organizations, researchers, and patients. In doing so, the talk will touch on related topics including academic incentives, research funding, and science policy. It will discuss the impact of predatory journals on knowledge synthesis efforts and health literacy. It will recommend safeguards that stakeholders can put in place to limit interaction with these journals and to help reduce waste in how biomedical research is shared and used.
The speaker, Dr. Kelly Cobey, is an Investigator at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute (OHRI) working in the Centre for Journalology.
CPD Credits
Earn 0.5 MOC credits under Section 2 for participating.
Access Details
For more information and to register visit the CADTH website.