Category Archives: For Ophthalmologists

Finessing your Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) Skills
Apr 29th, 2019

Just recently, an ophthalmology resident that was nearing the end of their pediatrics rotation said to me, “All the ROP babies we have screened together have no ROP or ROP not requiring treatment. I’m afraid that when I go into practice I might not be confident enough to call Type I ROP. What should I […]

Straight from the Cutter’s Mouth: A Retina Podcast
Apr 29th, 2019

I have a secret…I love listening to podcasts! There is something very relaxing to me about simply turning off a screen, slipping on some headphones and listening to someone tell a story. Whatever your interests may be, I would bet you that there is a podcast on it! I recently learned that you can also […]

Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library
Apr 29th, 2019

The Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library (NOVEL) has been one of my favorite educational resources as a resident and still continues to be one that I go back to as part of my general practice. Neuro-ophthalmology cases can sometimes be hiding amongst blurry vision and glaucoma suspect referrals. They somehow always seem to find a way […]

COS and Canadian Corneal, External Disease and Refractive Surgery Society statement to CTV/W5
Apr 24th, 2019

(April, 2019) We are saddened about Jessica Starr’s death and convey our sympathy to her family, friends and all who are affected. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and one of the few that is rising. However, it cannot […]

Medical use of cannabis for dry eye disease
Apr 23rd, 2019

November 2018 Background The clinical value of cannabis in alleviating the symptoms of dry eye disease (DED) is limited at this time due to a lack of clinical evidence. The Canadian Ophthalmological Society does not support the medical use of cannabis for the treatment of DED or its associated pain symptoms, due to its undesirable […]

Non-Infectious Uveitis – What’s Best for my patient: Local or systemic treatment?
Mar 1st, 2019

The COS is pleased to provide access to the presentations from the co-developed symposium Non-Infectious Uveitis: What’s Best For My Patient: Local or Systemic Treatment?, which took place at the 2018 COS Annual Meeting in Toronto, Ontario. Through these presentations, International and Canadian expert faculty lead a discussion around the various treatment strategies for uveitis, […]

CSI: Cataract Surgery Investigation
Mar 1st, 2019

Symposium Resources The COS is pleased to provide access to the presentations from the co-developed symposium presented at the 2018 COS Annual Meeting, CSI: Cataract Surgery Investigation. Dr. Ike Ahmed, along with a team of forensic ophthalmologist investigators, presented three different and engaging cases, unveiling clues to analyze the causes of poor outcomes in cataract […]

A Cost-Effective Wireless HD POV Surgical Recording System
Jan 30th, 2019

The “A Cost-Effective Wireless, High Definition Point of View Surgical Recording System” video shows how to use off-the-shelf consumer products to record surgeries without breaking the bank. The resource is designed for oculoplastic surgeons, but could be used for any sub-specialty. The video demonstrates a step-by-step process of how to set up for recording both non-sterile […]

J. Pinto & Associates Inc. Publications
Dec 5th, 2018

J. Pinto & Associates is a healthcare management consulting firm that focuses on strategic business planning, operations and marketing interests of pharmaceutical companies, basic science centers, university departments, hospitals, multi- specialty clinics and single specialty facilities. John Pinto is the country’s most-published author on the subject of ophthalmic practice management. More than 95% of all […]