Category Archives: For Ophthalmologists

Position Statement on the Use of Nonpowder Projectile Weapons, Including Airsoft, BB, Nerf, Paintball, and Pellet Guns
Sep 13th, 2019

(July 2019 ) Background The use of nonpowder projectile weapons, including airsoft, ball bearing (BB), Nerf, paintball, and pellet guns, is associated with a risk of eye injury that could result in vision loss, blindness, or loss of the eye. Given the growing number of recreational activities—for both children and adults—involving nonpowder projectile weapons, the […]

What Scares You, Scares Me Too
Sep 4th, 2019

Presented by Lesya Shuba, MD, PhD, FRCSC This module will consist of interactive discussion of clinical cases, allowing participants to discuss some challenging clinical scenarios in glaucoma. Participants will have a chance to review common features of glaucoma as opposed to other optic neuropathies, discuss unusual cases of inflammatory glaucoma, the diagnostic and therapeutic dilemmas […]

“Little” things make BIG differences: Recognizing and Managing Disruptive Behaviour in the Clinical Environment
Jul 30th, 2019

“Little” things make BIG differences is an online module, and has been accredited as a Section 3: Self-Assessment Program.  The program designed to help practicing physicians, residents, administrators, and other team members build knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to better recognize and manage issues of disruptive behavior in their team based settings. Premise of the […]

CanMEDS Program: Better Practice, Better Outcomes
Jul 26th, 2019

The CanMEDS Framework was developed by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada to provide key strategies for healthcare professionals to increase efficiencies in their practice, improve communication with patients and colleagues, and demonstrate stronger leadership.  The program explicitly expresses how CanMEDS roles are used in everyday clinical and non-clinical practice. The CanMEDS […]

Sustained funding to ensure access to anti-vascular endothelial growth factor drugs
Jul 18th, 2019

(July 2019) Access Details Read the full position paper from the Canadian Retina Society (CRS)

CJO’s Inaugural Visual Abstract
Jun 27th, 2019

The CJO’s inaugural visual abstract provides a graphical summary of the following article from the June issue: Comparison of 2 regimens of loteprednol etabonate and bromfenac for cataract surgery. The article is also featured in the CJO’s first Resident Perspectives digest, which highlights a handful of articles from each issue with summaries written by members of the CJO’s Resident Advisory Council. […]

Post-LASIK IOL calculations
May 15th, 2019

Ms. PRK tells me she isn’t overly worried about her refractive outcome following cataract surgery. But, she’s also had previous refractive which certainly causes me to raise a red flag! This is a patient who clearly cares (or at least previously cared!) about refraction! I’m reflecting on the Toronto Cataract Course 2019 that took place […]

National Eye Review Program
May 7th, 2019

The 2019 one-day annual National Review Course will review highly pertinent pearls for less common conditions that are still encountered in our everyday comprehensive and subspecialty practices. Target Audience This is a course for expert ophthalmologists delivered by expert ophthalmologists. CPD Credits Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, is fully accredited […]

The Doctor’s Life Podcast
May 3rd, 2019

The Doctor’s Life Podcast is a weekly podcast featuring discussions with fellow doctors and scientists on how to achieve success in clinical medicine and non-clinical careers while staying healthy in mind, body and spirit and balancing living a rich, purposeful life. Hosted by Physician Development Coach and Founder of the Physician Vitality Institute, Dianne Ansari-Winn, […]