Category Archives: For Ophthalmologists

ASCRS Post-Refractive IOL Calculators
Nov 18th, 2019

IOL power calculation in eyes that have undergone LASIK/PRK/RK. This website provide three calculator tools. IOL Caolculator for Eyes with Prior Myopic LASIK/PRK IOL Calculator for Eye with Prior Hyperopic LASIK/PRK IOL Calculator for Eyes with Prior RK Access Details Access the ASCRS post-refractive calculators through the website:

Musculoskeletal Disorders in Ophthalmologists
Oct 29th, 2019

Did you know? Work-related musculoskeletal disorders in ophthalmologists are high, ranging from 51-80% across studies. This module was developed to showcase best ergonomic practices and injury prevention. View the module, online through the Queen’s University website. Learning Objectives Review the importance of ergonomics for ophthalmologists Identify areas in the clinic and operating room that may […]

Royal College of Canada: Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLime) Podcast
Oct 23rd, 2019

Key Lime Podcast As ophthalmologists many of us have multiple roles in the course of our day – including being a clinician, a researcher and an educator. Medical school and residency generally prepare us for the medical knowledge, clinical and research skills we need for our careers. However, learning to become an educator is often […]

Happy People Work Better
Oct 5th, 2019

The Canadian Journal of Physician Leadership (CJPL) is a peer-reviewed journal launched in 2014. Published quarterly, it focuses on topics and issues related to leadership and the health care system as they pertain mainly, but not exclusively, to physicians and physician leaders. Volume 4, Issue number 3, Happy People Work Better features: Achieving Joy in […]

CMA Policy on Physician Health
Oct 5th, 2019

This policy provides a series of broad, aspirational recommendations to help guide stakeholders at all levels of the health system to promote a healthy, vibrant, and engaged profession. For more details visit the Canadian Medical Association website.

U of T Med: Heal Thyself
Oct 5th, 2019

U of T Med is an alumni magazine like no other. Bold, ambitious and lively, we dive into medicine’s most pressing topics. Heal Thyself is the U of T Med publication from Summer 2017 addressing the topic of physician mental health. This issue features: Can We Talk About Physician Mental Health? Who Heals the Healer? […]

CMQ Regulation 2019
Sep 27th, 2019

As you know, the College des médecins du Québec (CMQ) has approved a new regulation (Règlement sur la formation continue obligatoire des médecins), which came into force on January 1, 2019. The regulation stipulates that all physicians licensed in Quebec must report their continuing professional development (CPD) activities to the CMQ.  We want to reassure […]

Why Organizations, Researchers, and Patients Are Falling Prey to Predatory Journals
Sep 26th, 2019

Participate by Live Stream or in-person on October 10 from 1:30 – 2:30 PM. This interactive talk will provide an overview of what predatory journals are and describe how they are having an impact on organizations, researchers, and patients. In doing so, the talk will touch on related topics including academic incentives, research funding, and […]

Podcast Review: Assessment, feedback and the alchemy of learning
Sep 16th, 2019

Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME) is a weekly podcast produced by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.  Articles that are important, innovative, or will impact your educational practice are discussed, bringing you the main points in under half an hour. In episode 191, Creating a risky recipe for learning, host Dr. […]