Category Archives: For Ophthalmologists

Canadian Glaucoma Society Recommendations for Providing Eye Care to Glaucoma Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr 21st, 2020

April 16, 2020 Background The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to widespread implementation of physical isolating measures and cessation of non-urgent medical visits and procedures. This document is to provide guidance to physicians caring for glaucoma patients to help mitigate the risk to patient and care provider while balancing the need for treatment to preserve vision. […]

Youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-University
Apr 21st, 2020

Youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-University Access Details Learn more about the OFTALMO BINARS live/recorded youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-university Many of the sessions are in Spanish but there are some sessions in English. Archived content, with recorded previous sessions can be found here

Podcast: International Panel Discussion on Ophthalmologists Preparedness during COVID-19
Apr 21st, 2020

The Retina Channel Podcast Recent editorial in Ophthalmology about ophthalmologists’ preparedness during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis. In a panel discussion with Dr. Koushan, Drs. Daniel Ting, Olivia Li and Steven Yeh discuss the preparedness of ophthalmologists in the COVID-19 crisis. The discussion is based on the most recent Ophthalmology editorial. Access Details Listen to […]

Wellness during the pandemic
Apr 17th, 2020

Wellness during the pandemic If there was ever a time for physicians to take one’s physical and mental health seriously, it is now. This situation may last for weeks and quite likely months.  The WHO warns us to prepare for “a marathon, not a sprint”.  We will be facing difficult decisions that can create distress. […]

COS and ACUPO Guidelines for Ophthalmic Care during COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr 14th, 2020

March 20,2020 Background We are in the midst of a global crisis, which changes daily. Our federal, provincial, local, hospital, and university authorities provide mandates and recommendations that are applicable to the practice of medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the guidelines below is not to replace those mandates and recommendations, but to […]

Ensuring our Own Well-being as we Care for Others During the COVID-19 Crisis as Individual Physicians
Apr 13th, 2020

As individual physicians, we can practice strategies to increase and maintain our personal resilience. Feeling stress does not mean we are not coping well or not able to do our job. In fact, it is a normal human response, and may be useful in allowing us to function during this difficult time. The important thing […]

Virtual Care for Canadian Physicians
Apr 11th, 2020

This playbook was written to help Canadian physicians introduce virtual patient encounters into their daily practices. It is intended to be virtual care platform and vendor agnostic. It focuses on video visits, though phone calls and patient messaging are also categorized as virtual care. While not exhaustive, the playbook covers all key considerations to succeed […]

Lacrimal irrigation /Surgery/Manipulation During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Apr 7th, 2020

April 7, 2020 The Canadian Society of Oculoplastic Surgery and the Canadian Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus have evaluated the management of lacrimal disorders and the risks to ophthalmologists during this COVID crisis. The attached statement has been endorsed by the COS Board of Directors. These comments and recommendations are based on the “conditions […]

COVID-19 Cases in Canada : Latest Data and Information
Apr 5th, 2020