Category Archives: For Medical Students

Eyerounds- Educational Resources
Feb 16th, 2021

Educational Resources Medical Student Online Ophthalmology Curriculum Author: Pavlina Kemp, MD Resident contributors: Karam Alawa, MD; Justine Cheng, MD; Salma Dawoud, MD; Ryan Diel, MD; David Ramirez, MD

Indiana University School of Medicine – Educational Resources
Feb 16th, 2021

Educational Resources

Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group’s Resource
Feb 5th, 2021

Exploring ophthalmology and pursuing an interest in the specialty can be challenging for medical students. The Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group is a student-led organization that works to enhance the learning of medical students interested in ophthalmology by sharing resources, facilitating connections, and supporting research and advocacy efforts. Access Details

The EyeSi Simulator Walkthrough
Jan 18th, 2021

As a team of ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents, and medical students here at the University of Calgary, we are dedicated to exploring and developing simulation-based learning endeavours in surgical ophthalmology. In this project, we provide walkthrough videos of the levels of the VR Magic EyeSi® Surgical simulator. A staple in many ophthalmology training programs, the EyeSi® […]

December 2020 Issue Highlights
Jan 7th, 2021

The December 2020 CJO is available online. Here are some of the highlights in this issue: Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our residents have summarized 4 articles that they feel are relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our December visual abstract, Ocular hypertension following 40 […]

Launch weekend for Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology
Sep 24th, 2020

Launch weekend for Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology GERSO (Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology) announce the launch of the GERSO Educational Series . This free digital training is provided by a Global faculty of leading ophthalmologists. The 2-part training will take part on: Date: Saturday 26th September and Sunday 27th September […]

Webinar – Developing a COVID-19 Vaccine
Aug 11th, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives. Medical experts around the globe have said that what we each have known as normal life won’t fully resume until we have a vaccine, and that could take years. In this webinar, an expert panel will take you inside the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. What’s involved […]

Eyes for Ears Podcast
Jul 24th, 2020

About Podcast: Eyes for Ears is an Ophthalmology podcast focused on bringing you topic review for board and exam prep, interviews highlighting issues and stories relevant for young ophthalmologists and preparation for residency. Co-hosted by Ben Young and Andrew Pouw. Frequency: 1 episode / week Join the conversation to the Eyes for Ears podcast here.

Recommended Resources for Medical Students
Jul 22nd, 2020

This is a collection of Resources for Medical Students. Interactive Cases: Textbooks: Online Clinical Skills Videos: Visual acuity – Tonopen – Pupils – Slit lamp – Direct Ophthalmoscopy – Documentation in Ophthalmology: Case studies: