Category Archives: COS Annual Meeting Resources

2019 Call For Abstracts
Oct 31st, 2018

Submission deadline: Tuesday, November 27, 2018 at 11:59 PM ET

Section 3: Simulation Activities
Oct 15th, 2018

Performance Assessment Simulation of real-life situations that allow participants to demonstrate (and receive feedback on) their application of knowledge (scientific and tacit), clinical reasoning, communication and problem-solving, as well as their ability to collaborate and work effectively in a health care team. Simulation activities use standardized patients, mannequins, part-task trainers or virtual cases to assess […]

2017 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
May 25th, 2017

June 15 – 18 Palais des congrès Montréal, Québec. This year marked the 80th Anniversary of the COS Annual Meeting, celebrated with the theme “80 Years of Evidence, Education and Innovation in Eye Health”. Access Details: To access the program at a glance and further program details, please refer to the 2017 COS Annual Meeting and […]

2016 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
May 25th, 2016

June 17-20, 2016 Shaw Centre Ottawa, ON. This year’s educational program is centred on ‘Emergent and Emerging Care’. Access Details: For more conference materials, abstracts, and the program at a glance, please refer to the 2016 COS Annual Meeting website.

2015 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
May 28th, 2015

Victoria, British Columbia June 18-21, 2015. The theme of this Annual Meeting was “Innovation in Ophthalmology”. At our Annual Meeting we set out to discuss recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases, compare and contrast core concepts and new advances and clinical experience. We share Canadian and international research, scientific studies, and […]

2014 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
May 28th, 2014

June 4-7, 2014 Halifax, Nova Scotia. Access Details: For more information, please visit the 2014 COS Annual Meeting website.

2013 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Jun 30th, 2013

June 14-17, 2013 Montréal, Québec. Access Details: For more information, please visit the 2013 COS Annual Meeting website.

2012 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Jun 30th, 2012

June 26-30, 2012 Toronto, Ontario. This year’s meeting was held in conjunction with the XIIth International Orthoptic Congress. Access Details: For more information regarding this conference, please visit the 2012 COS Annual Meeting website.

2011 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition
Jun 30th, 2011

June 9-12, 2011 Vancouver, BC. Access Details: For more information regarding paper and poster presentations and access the program, please visit the 2011 COS Annual Meeting website.