There are numerous ways for trainees (CBD and traditional) to continue to develop the CanMEDS competencies throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of these opportunities occur in responding to the pandemic itself, whereas other opportunities may be used to help fill the gap when usual clinical duties are problematic due to safety concerns, PPE shortages, physical distancing constraints, etc. While the pandemic may be shifting our traditional approach to teaching, educators are encouraged to consider the opportunities arising for the development of competence across all CanMEDS Roles.
The Royal College collected suggestions and ideas for clinical and non-clinical educational experiences during COVID-19, and have organized these by the CanMEDS Role to which they most easily map.
Ideas for Teaching CanMEDS During COVID-19: This resource compiles ideas for clinical and non-clinical educational experiences during COVID-19, and is organized by the seven CanMEDS Roles. As you’ll see, many of these educational opportunities occur in responding to the pandemic itself, whereas other opportunities may be used to help fill the gap when usual clinical duties are problematic due to PPE shortages, physical distancing constraints, and other safety concerns.