Category Archives: Ressources sur la COVID-19
Article from the AAO : Ocular Signs of COVID-19 Suggested by Internet Search Term Patterns Worldwide
Août 24th, 2020
August 24, 2020 Ocular Signs of COVID-19 Suggested by Internet Search Term Patterns Worldwide Studies have suggested a possible association of coronavirus 2019(COVID-19) with conjunctivitis, chemosis, and other ocular symptoms such as red or sore eyes. 1e 5 The estimated proportion of those with ocular symptoms, some consistent with conjunctivitis, ranges widely, from less than […]
Article from NCBI: COVID-19 – Preliminary Clinical Guidelines for Ophthalmology Practices
Août 24th, 2020
24 August, 2020 COVID-19 – Preliminary Clinical Guidelines for Ophthalmology Practices Authors: Reza Gharebaghi,Jordan Desuatels,Majid Moshirfar, Maryam Parvizi,Seyed-Hashem Daryabari, and Fatemeh Heidary Abstract The zoonotic Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and its resultant human coronavirus disease (COVID-19) recently appeared as a global health threat that can cause severe respiratory infection and terminal respiratory […]
Editorial from AAO: COVID-19 and the Ophthalmology Match
Août 13th, 2020
August 11, 2020 COVID-19 and the Ophthalmology MatchDavid A. Quillen, MD – Hershey, PennsylvaniaR. Michael Siatkowski, MD – Oklahoma City, OklahomaSteven Feldon, MD, MBA – Rochester, New York, on behalf of the Association of University Professors ofOphthalmology The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted ophthalmology and medical education profoundly. In an effort to reduce […]
Webinar – Developing a COVID-19 Vaccine
Août 11th, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives. Medical experts around the globe have said that what we each have known as normal life won’t fully resume until we have a vaccine, and that could take years. In this webinar, an expert panel will take you inside the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. What’s involved […]
Immediate Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS) during COVID Recovery: RCOphth/UKISCRS Rapid Advice Document
Juil 20th, 2020
July 20, 2020 This guidance has been developed by the RCOphth COVID-19 Review Team and the UK and Ireland Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (UKISCRS) in response to the pandemic and may be subject to change. We are facing significant capacity challenges brought about by the COVID pandemic. We need to restore surgery for […]
Chroniques cliniques de l’ASPC et de l’AMMI Canada – Gestion de la prévention et du contrôle de l’infection à la COVID-19 dans les soins de longue durée
Juil 2nd, 2020
L’Association pour la microbiologie médicale et l’infectiologie (AMMI) Canada et l’Agence de la santé publique du Canada (ASPC) collaborent pour offrir une série de webinaires en ligne à accès libre qui apportent de l’éducation permanente de pointe aux professionnels médicaux du Canada dans le contexte de la COVID-19. Date : Jeudi 9 juillet 2020 Heure : 16 h […]
La nouvelle normalité
Juin 30th, 2020
La nouvelle normalité La COVID a redéfini la normalité à bien des égards. Notre gestion de la clinique, nos choix de vacances et le lieu où nos enfants « vont à l’école » en sont autant d’exemples. Un changement à plus long terme pourrait aussi se produire dans notre profession dans la façon dont nous « allons à l’école ». Mois […]
Resource Toolkit – A Path to a New Vision: COS COVID-19 Webinar Series delivered in April/May 2020
Juin 26th, 2020
This Resource Toolkit provides direct links to general COVID-19 literature, resources and guidance from reputable agencies, as well as specific COVID-19 topics such as medico-legal concerns. In addition, instructions and patterns for some simple do-it-yourself PPE projects are included. GENERAL RESOURCES Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Resources The CMA is working with the Public Health Agency […]
Idées pour l’enseignement des rôles CanMEDS Durant la COVID-19
Juin 18th, 2020
Les stagiaires (des programmes de la CPC et traditionnels) peuvent de bien des façonscontinuer de développer les compétences CanMEDS durant la pandémie. Beaucoup d’occasions découlent de la prestation des soins, d’autres peuvent servir à combler l’écartlorsque les préoccupations liées à la sécurité, les pénuries d’EPI, les règles de distanciationphysique, etc. compliquent les tâches cliniques habituelles. […]