Category Archives: Pour les résidents et les boursiers

Hill-RBF Calculator
Nov 18th, 2019

The Hill-RBF (Radial Basis Function) Calculator is the joint project of the RBF Calculator Physician Team, Haag-Streit Switzerland, and Mathworks. Access Details Access the Hill-RBF Calculator through the website:

Barrett Universal II Formula
Nov 18th, 2019

The Barrett Universal II Formula is based on Gaussian principles and takes into account the change in principal planes that occur with different intraocular lens powers. The Barrett Universal II forms the foundation for the Barrett Toric calculator. Access Details Access the Barrett Universal II Formula through the website:

ASCRS Post-Refractive IOL Calculators
Nov 18th, 2019

IOL power calculation in eyes that have undergone LASIK/PRK/RK. This website provide three calculator tools. IOL Caolculator for Eyes with Prior Myopic LASIK/PRK IOL Calculator for Eye with Prior Hyperopic LASIK/PRK IOL Calculator for Eyes with Prior RK Access Details Access the ASCRS post-refractive calculators through the website:

U of T Med: Heal Thyself
Oct 5th, 2019

U of T Med is an alumni magazine like no other. Bold, ambitious and lively, we dive into medicine’s most pressing topics. Heal Thyself is the U of T Med publication from Summer 2017 addressing the topic of physician mental health. This issue features: Can We Talk About Physician Mental Health? Who Heals the Healer? […]

Podcast Review: Assessment, feedback and the alchemy of learning
Sep 16th, 2019

Key Literature in Medical Education (KeyLIME) is a weekly podcast produced by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.  Articles that are important, innovative, or will impact your educational practice are discussed, bringing you the main points in under half an hour. In episode 191, Creating a risky recipe for learning, host Dr. […]

Les petits détails font une GRANDE différence : Reconnaître et gérer les comportements perturbateurs en milieu Clinique
Juil 30th, 2019

Les petits détails font une GRANDE différence est un programme d’autoévaluation agréé (section 3) disponible sur ligne.  Cette activité d’apprentissage a été conçue pour aider les médecins en exercice, les résidents, les administrateurs et les autres membres des équipes soignantes à acquérir les connaissances et les compétences nécessaires et à adopter les comportements qui s’imposent pour […]

CJO June 2019 – Highlights
Juin 28th, 2019

For the June 2019 issue, the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology (CJO) is pleased to unveil two new features: the Resident Perspectives digest and a visual abstract.  Resident Perspectives will highlight 4–6 articles from each issue with summaries written by members of the CJO‘s Resident Advisory Council (RAC). The summaries are written for residents by residents and focus […]

CJO’s Inaugural Visual Abstract
Juin 27th, 2019

The CJO’s inaugural visual abstract provides a graphical summary of the following article from the June issue: Comparison of 2 regimens of loteprednol etabonate and bromfenac for cataract surgery. The article is also featured in the CJO’s first Resident Perspectives digest, which highlights a handful of articles from each issue with summaries written by members of the CJO’s Resident Advisory Council. […]

Clinical – Pathological Correlation in Ophthalmology
Juin 14th, 2019

The MUHC-McGill University Ophthalmic Pathology Review Course brings an update of the non-neoplastic and neoplastic diseases of the eye and the ocular adnexa. The three-day course will review the most important ocular diseases in a clinical pathological manner. The course is designed to bring the pathological features to the clinical diagnosis and integrating the tissue […]