Category Archives: Pour les étudiants en médecine

Launch weekend for Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology
Sep 24th, 2020

Launch weekend for Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology GERSO (Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology) announce the launch of the GERSO Educational Series . This free digital training is provided by a Global faculty of leading ophthalmologists. The 2-part training will take part on: Date: Saturday 26th September and Sunday 27th September […]

Webinar – Developing a COVID-19 Vaccine
Août 11th, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our lives. Medical experts around the globe have said that what we each have known as normal life won’t fully resume until we have a vaccine, and that could take years. In this webinar, an expert panel will take you inside the race to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. What’s involved […]

Eyes for Ears Podcast
Juil 24th, 2020

About Podcast: Eyes for Ears is an Ophthalmology podcast focused on bringing you topic review for board and exam prep, interviews highlighting issues and stories relevant for young ophthalmologists and preparation for residency. Co-hosted by Ben Young and Andrew Pouw. Frequency: 1 episode / week Join the conversation to the Eyes for Ears podcast here.

Recommended Resources for Medical Students
Juil 22nd, 2020

This is a collection of Resources for Medical Students. Interactive Cases: Textbooks: Online Clinical Skills Videos: Visual acuity – Tonopen – Pupils – Slit lamp – Direct Ophthalmoscopy – Documentation in Ophthalmology: Case studies:

Article – Visual impairment and the use of formal and informal home care in Canada: the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging
Juin 30th, 2020

Read the full article through the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology website: Full Article Authors Rumaisa Aljied, BSc; Marie-Josée Aubin, MD, MSc, MPH; Ralf Buhrmann, MD, PhD; Ellen E. Freeman, PhD Abstract Objective To determine the use of home care services in those with and without visual impairment in Canada. Methods Presenting visual acuity was measured using […]

University of Alberta– Educational Resources
Juin 18th, 2020

Educational Resources Presentation: Rudnisky_C_Acute Vision Loss.pptx Rudnisky_C_Approach to Diplopia.pptx Rudnisky_C_Chronic Vision Loss.pptx Rudnisky_C_Corneal Abrasions, Infections and La… Rudnisky_C_Ocular Physiology and Visual Pathway… Vodcasts: Vodcasts for Pediatric Eye Disease:

McGill– Educational Resources
Mai 14th, 2020

Educational Resources

UBC – Educational Resources
Mai 12th, 2020

Educational Resources

Queen’s University – Educational Resources
Mai 8th, 2020

Educational Resources