Category Archives: Pour les étudiants en médecine

Data Reporting In Ophthalmology during COVID-19 pandemic: Need for a Canadian Registry
Août 13th, 2021

June 2021 Since January 2020 Elsevier has created a COVID-19 resource centre with free information in English and Mandarin on the novel coronavirus COVID-19. Elsevier hereby grants permission to make all its COVID-19-related research that is available on the COVID-19 resource centre – including this research content – immediately available in PubMed Central and other […]

Dr Safran’s Complex Eye Surgery Video Cases
Août 13th, 2021

Dr. Safran is an American Board Certified, Fellowship-trained Cornea Specialist. His special interest is in cataract surgery with premium lenses. He is extremely knowledgeable regarding a wide variety of eye diseases and is particularly adept at treating patients with delicate or complicated conditions. Dr. Safran has a Youtube channel, where he shares his knowledge of […]

Webinar – Orbis: The World’s Only Flying Eye Hospital
Août 6th, 2021

Date: August 12,2021 Time: 7:30pm EDT Topic: Orbis: The World’s Only Flying Eye Hospital Overview: In the second event of our Orbis Speaker Series, we’ll give you a sneak peek behind the scenes of the incredible Orbis Flying Eye Hospital, the world’s only fully accredited, state-of-the-art teaching hospital on board an airplane. You’ll learn how […]

Peut-on réapprendre à voir quand on a perdu la vision ? | Cynthia Qian | TEDxUmontreal
Juil 13th, 2021

La Dre Cynthia Qian présente deux méthodes révolutionnaires pour aider les personnes atteintes d’une maladie héréditaire de la rétine, à retrouver la vision. La thérapie génique chez les jeunes enfants dont la maladie est à un stade précoce, et l’œil bionique pour les personnes ayant complètement perdu la vue. La cécité n’est plus une fatalité. […]

The Lens Pod
Juil 6th, 2021

Listen to The Lens Pod on Spotify. The Lens Pod is a medical student-run ophthalmology podcast that uses interviews with residents, fellows, and attendings to help medical student learners navigate the road to ophthalmology.

BroadEYE Podcast
Mai 13th, 2021

 The BroadEYE Podcast explores knowledge gaps in ophthalmology and eye care, with guests hailing from ophthalmology and optometry clinics, vision research labs, industry, private companies, and the low vision community Target Audience The content we share can help ophthalmologists, residents, allied healthcare workers, and medical students stay up to date about the latest research developments, […]

Women Leaders in Eye Health Webinar Series
Mai 3rd, 2021

Women In Ophthalmology (WIO), Seva Foundation, and Orbis International have come together to offer a global webinar series in May 2021 for current and prospective women in ophthalmology. Please join us for two engaging sessions with dynamic, global speakers and moderators. Speakers will share personal stories and experiences, highlighting strategies and key takeaways on the […]

Orbis: Changing the Way the World Sees
Avr 26th, 2021

Orbis Canada presents its first Speaker Series. Topic: Changing the Way the World Sees Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021 Time: 7:30pm–9:00pm EST Special guests: – Dr. Simon Holland, MD (the University of British Columbia, Chair of Orbis Canada) – Dr. Hunter Cherwek, MD (Vice President, Clinical Services & Technology, Orbis International) – Lisa McKeen (CEO, […]

For Residents: COSIG Annual Meeting 2021- Speed Mentoring Session
Avr 8th, 2021

A group of Canadian medical students has formed a coalition called COSIG (Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group) to help foster mentorship and share resources for all medical students in Canada interested in ophthalmology. As part of their first annual meeting, they are hoping to get ophthalmology residents from across Canada to take part in their […]