Category Archives: Pour les étudiants en médecine

Juil 15th, 2024

The podcast features guest speakers from across Canada and innovative practitioners from around the world discussing diverse topics and how they impact ophthalmology. Topics range from emerging techniques and technologies to building individual resilience as Canadian physicians. Through it all, this podcast aims to build connections within the ophthalmological community, share our experiences, and to […]

Conférence internationale sur la santé des médicins – Appel de résumé
Fév 16th, 2024

Les médecins sont aussi des êtres humains! La création de liens significatifs, avec leurs pairs et leurs patients et patientes, et au sein de nos systèmes de santé, est une composante essentielle de la santé et du bien-être des médecins. La Conférence internationale sur la santé des médecins (CISM) 2024 (site en anglais seulement) offre […]

The Canadian Ophthalmology Mentorship Program (COMP)
Sep 18th, 2023

The Canadian Ophthalmology Mentorship Program (COMP) is an annual national mentorship program that connects 3-4 Canadian medical students per ophthalmology resident mentor for the purposes of networking, career exploration, and community building. Recruitment is now open for ophthalmology resident mentors and Canadian medical student mentees. Sign-ups are open till September 22, 2023.  Link to sign […]

CJO June Highlights
Sep 5th, 2023

CJO: June 2023 Issue Highlights The June 2023 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights:  Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our talented team of residents have summarized 5 articles with a focus on what’s most relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in […]

CJO: April 2023 Issue Highlights
Juil 21st, 2023

The April 2023 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights:  2022 Reviewer Acknowledgement: CJO sincerely thanks all of the reviewers who volunteered their valuable time and expertise to the peer review process throughout 2022. Peer review is the cornerstone of scholarly medical publishing, and the CJO would not be where it […]

CJO: April 2023 Issue Highlights
Avr 24th, 2023

The April 2023 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights:  2022 Reviewer Acknowledgement: CJO sincerely thanks all of the reviewers who volunteered their valuable time and expertise to the peer review process throughout 2022. Peer review is the cornerstone of scholarly medical publishing, and the CJO would not be where it […]

Avr 13th, 2023

EXPLOREZ LE CARREFOUR DE RESSOURCES POUR LA PRATIQUE – Nous sommes ravis de partager la nouvelle vidéo promotionnelle du CRP. En un peu plus de deux minutes, nous mettons en relief les avantages du site pour les praticiens chevronnés et ceux qui entament leur carrière, la façon de présenter facilement des idées et des ressources, […]

Global Conference on Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Care
Avr 5th, 2023

Global Conference on Orthopedic Surgery and Trauma Care Date:  November 2nd – 4th, 2023 Location:  Amsterdam, The Netherlands The Global Conference on Orthopedic Surgery & Trauma Care is an international gathering of top orthopedic surgeons. The conference will include educational sessions, workshops, and seminars on a variety of orthopedic surgery topics. Participants will be able to exchange […]

Ophthalmology Explorer
Mar 21st, 2023

As a team of ophthalmologists, ophthalmology residents, and medical students at the University of Calgary, we are dedicated to exploring and developing simulation-based learning endeavours and 3D printing innovations in surgical ophthalmology. Check out the latest simulation walkthrough videos below: The EyeSi Simulator Walkthrough In this project, we provide walkthrough videos of the levels of […]