Personal Protective Equipment Simulations (Online Modules)
First, do no harm. How do you keep yourselves, your patients, and your families safe when using Personal Protective Equipment while caring for patients in isolation? Personal Protective Equipment Simulations aims to prepare healthcare providers to care for patients who require droplet and contact isolation on medical admission units in the Calgary Zone, assuring adherence to existing infection prevention and control (IPC) protocols and avoid exposure to suspected pathogens. This course was co-developed with Calgary Medicine Emergency-Pandemic Operations Command (MEOC).
Upon completion of the online modules, learners will be able to:
- Recognize and evaluate the indications for PPE use
- List indications for N95 mask use
- Identify the latent threat of PPE fatigue
- Recognize the importance of using a buddy system
Online modules are available for anyone to self-register. FREE Self-registration The online self-learning modules are available on here.
1.0 MOC Section 3 Self-Assessment / Mainpro+ Self-learning one-credit-per-hour
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