Management of Retinal Disease in the Time of COVID-19 – Present and Future Challenges

LIVE – Webcasts and webinars Management of retinal disease in the time of COVID-19 – Present and future challenges

Date : Friday, 8 May 2020

Time : 5.00 – 6.30 pm CET


View-only live streaming will be available on this page.

Youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-University

Youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-University

Access Details

Learn more about the OFTALMO BINARS live/recorded youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-university

Many of the sessions are in Spanish but there are some sessions in English.

Archived content, with recorded previous sessions can be found here

Videos for Donning & Doffing PPE

The first video shows how to do donning and doffing of PPE during routine care of any patient that is suspected of confirmed COVID-19. This mask protects from droplets. 

Droplet Precautions – Donning and Doffing PPE :

The second video shows donning and doffing of PPE with N95 masks to be used when performing aerosolized procedures on patients with suspected or known COVID-19 patients.

Full Precautions – Donning and Doffing PPE:

Ergonomics for the Ophthalmologist Videos

The COS is pleased to provide access to the presentations on Ergonomics that took place during the 2017 COS Annual Meeting in Montreal, QC. On this page you will find a variety of resources and video presentations on the subject of ergonomics.

CPD Credit

Scanning resources that are relevant to your professional practice by enhancing your awareness of new evidence, perspectives and findings can be claimed as Section 2: Self-Learning under Scanning in MAINPORT with the MOC Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.


Video Presentation

1. Introduction

Dr. Lorne Bellan’s brief introduction to the ergonomics session.

2. Re-attaching the focus on body mechanics and ergonomics

George Matos, CAT(C)
During the 2017 COS Annual Meeting, George Matos presented two engaging lectures that encouraged delegates to re-attach their focus on body mechanics and ergonomics. During these sessions Mr. Matos explains the impacts of body positioning in the various aspects of ophthalmology, how this can negatively impact body mechanics and then he provides some tips and exercises to combat the negative effects.

PowerPoint slides for the above session: Matos Current Concepts Talk – Slides

3. The incidence and effects of work-related musculoskeletal injury among ophthalmologists

Ashley Brissette, MD

Dr. Ashley Brissette presented her findings from a systematic review of current literature regarding ergonomics and work-related MSK injury in the field of ophthalmology.

4. Occupational musculoskeletal pain & injury in Canadian ophthalmologists

Vlad Diaconita, MD

Dr. Vlad Diaconita presented the results from a survey that was sent out to the COS membership in spring 2017 regarding MSK pain and injury.

Discussion 1

5. Developing an educational module for ergonomics in ophthalmology

Timothy Ratzlaff, MD

Dr. Timothy Ratzlaff discussed the content and creation of an educational module built by applying the main points highlighted in Ashley Brissette’s literature review.

6.  Canadian Ophthalmic Practitioner Ergonomic (COPE) survey

Femida Kherani, MD

Dr. Femida Kherani presented the results from the COPE survey, which was sent out to multiple listservs in May 2017.

Discussion 2

This resource is only available in English.

3 videos to MAKE your own slit lamp protectors

A simple how to make-it-yourself, universal slit-lamp and microscope shield for eye care professionals: ophthalmologists, optometrists.

2019 Sally Letson Symposium Online Presentations – Ready to Stream

COS is providing attendees and non-attendees the opportunity to purchase the online presentations from the 2019 Sally Letson Symposium “Glaucoma: Thriving Under Pressure”.

The 51st Sally Letson Symposium was dedicated to the effective, efficient, and empathetic management of glaucoma patients. The dynamic faculty of 19 international experts guided the audience in comprehensive approaches to the most common and challenging glaucoma entities. The whole armamentarium of medical, laser, and surgical therapies was addressed in the context of individual patient needs. Expert debates and audience interaction helped us tackle some of the hottest topics, controversies, and cutting edge developments in the field. This program aims to leave your entire eye care team with the right tools to deliver the best in glaucoma care.


NOTE:  Please note presentations are available for viewing for one year only (ending September 2020).

CPD Credits

Section 2: Self-Learning (0.5 credits per activity)
Scanning: After viewing this Online Presentation, ophthalmologists may claim 0.5 credits as a scanning activity under Section 2 Self-learning in the Maintenance of Certification program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).


Section 2: Planned Learning (2 credits per hour)
Personal Learning Plan: A Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is a self-initiated learning activity that is stimulated by a question, issue or dilemma in your professional practice. Watching these presentations may have stimulated a question for you about your practice. To complete a PLP, you will need to name the issue, dilemma or question within your practice scenario and identify opportunities to explore this further and reflect, whether through an activity, a conference or workshop, further reading, videos, etc. When complete you may establish what you have learned and/or the changes you anticipate implementing from this learning.

You can claim Section 2 Credits within the MOC Program for time spent developing your learning plan (2 credits per hour spent). You can also claim the time spent executing the research of that question or issue (participating in a conference, webinar or reading), as well as the time you spend reflecting.

Access Details

You may now purchase and stream the presentations from the 2019 Sally Letson Symposium “Glaucoma: Thriving Under Pressure” by logging in on the following page:

Webinar Recordings: Ergonomics and Mindfulness in the Operating Room. Providing Care to Your Patients While Avoiding Becoming One

The Canadian Ophthalmological Society is pleased to provide you to a recording of the webinar on practical ergonomic tips in the ophthalmology operating room, that took place on December 9, 2019.

In the session George Matos, Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Specialist and ophthalmologist Dr. Lorne Bellan review how to adapt your posture to protect yourself through a day of surgery. This webinar includes thoughts to have in mind at the start of your surgical day, including how to set up your foot pedals, chair, operating table and surgical microscope, each to optimize your posture and support during your day of surgery and to minimize the risk of repetitive stress injuries.

Learning Objectives
At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

CPD Credits

This webinar archive is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and was approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 1 hour.

Access Details

To access the archived (recorded) version of the webinar visit the event website:

This program was delivered with financial support from an educational grant from provided to the COS by the Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank.


MedSKL offers free videos and downloadable resources from the world’s leading medical professors. All courses provide a description, overview, lecture, and areas for more articles resources for many sub-specialty areas.

The resources are created by doctors for doctors, medical students, pre-medical students, and medical schools and professors who are looking for additional resources and learning tools. Learners have the opportunity to join other ophthalmologists on the discussions pertaining to their area of interest or questions posed based on their learning.

Learning Objectives

After the completion of any given course, the learner should be able to:

The 6 ophthalmology modules offered are:

Visit MedSKL today to register for courses.

CRS « Snapshot of the Month »: Luck of the Draw

The Canada Retina Society (CRS) publishes an interesting and educational Vitreo-Retinal related image every three months – a ‘Snapshot of the Month.’ This quarter’s snapshot was written by Fannie Nadeau and Ananda Kalevar, MD (Department of Ophthalmology, HD Hospital, Sherbrooke University, Quebec). 

Snapshots entitled « Luck of the Draw » tell the story of an 80-year-old female experimented nasal visual field loss in her right eye (OD) with preserved temporal visual field. The patient had a cilioretinal artery; an anatomic variant found in 15 to 30% of the population that often supplies the papillomacular bundle, but that supplies the foveola in only 10% of eyes. 

To see this quarter’s images and read more, please take a look on the Canadian Retina Society website.

If you are interested in submitting a « Snapshot of the Month » for consideration, please see the SOTM Submission process requirements and guidelines.