Women Leaders in Eye Health Webinar Series

Women In Ophthalmology (WIO), Seva Foundation, and Orbis International have come together to offer a global webinar series in May 2021 for current and prospective women in ophthalmology.
Please join us for two engaging sessions with dynamic, global speakers and moderators. Speakers will share personal stories and experiences, highlighting strategies and key takeaways on the topics discussed. There will be time for questions and discussion with everyone so come join us!

Dates: Saturday, May 8, 2021, and Saturday, May 22, 2021

Session 1: “Eyeing the Gap: Gender Inequities In Visual Health and the Workplace”
– May 8, 2021, 12:00PM (Eastern Time)
– Examine global gender inequities in visual health and blindness and the impacts of gender bias in the workplace.

Session 2: “Catapulting Your Career: Seeking Out Opportunities for Growth”
– May 22, 2021, 4:00PM (Eastern Time)
– Discuss how female eye health professionals can catapult their careers and seek out career growth opportunities.

Program Details: Here is the series pamphlet to review

RETINA CONNECT ROUNDS – Pediatric Retinal Disease and Detachment – What not to miss!

​Date : Tuesday May 18, 2021

Time: 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM EST

Topic:  Approach to Pediatric Retinal Detachment


Dr. Berrocal will lead our esteemed panel with a series of cases to discuss the workup and management of pediatric retinal disease and retinal detachment.


Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive an email with a quick link to the zoom webinar.

DOVS GRAND ROUNDS – Quality Improvement Rounds

Date: Friday May 7, 2021

Time: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM EST

Topic: Quality Improvement Rounds

Speaker:  Drs. Micieli, Low, Hatch, Al-Drees, Batawi, Chan, Kisilevksy, Kwok and Lei


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89598274343?pwd=dmFJREFWQ0hnQzlnZXBjSkRsYnBwQT09

Passcode: 1azP8G

Learning Objectives:

The PGY4s will illustrate how Quality Improvement methods were used to : 

1. Increase follow-up duration of papilledema monitoring in children with craniosynostosis. 

2. Improve the process for identifying babies that require ROP Screening  

3. Reduce the potential risk of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injections 

4. Improve infection control during slit lamp examinations  

127e Congrès / 2e E-Congrès® de la Société Française d’Ophtalmologie

Le 127e Congrès de la SFO aura lieu du 8 au 10 mai 2021 en version digitale.

Détails d’accès


Consulter le programme définitif du Congrès SFO 2021

Orbis: Changing the Way the World Sees

Orbis Canada presents its first Speaker Series.

Topic: Changing the Way the World Sees

Date: Thursday, May 27, 2021

Time: 7:30pm–9:00pm EST

Special guests:
– Dr. Simon Holland, MD (the University of British Columbia, Chair of Orbis Canada)
– Dr. Hunter Cherwek, MD (Vice President, Clinical Services & Technology, Orbis International)
– Lisa McKeen (CEO, Orbis Canada)

Learning Objectives:

In Orbis Canada’s first Speaker Series, you will learn about the mission and work of Orbis, and our role as a global leader and innovator in the fight against avoidable blindness. You will learn about opportunities to get involved with Orbis at various stages of your training (students, residents, practicing ophthalmologists). You’ll learn about Orbis Canada’s role as an affiliate of Orbis International. Finally, you’ll learn how our focus on technology and innovation has allowed us to continue to thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic. There will be a Q&A session with our panelists.

Access Details:
Event page and FREE registration at:

Please note that to register for the event, you must be an Orbis Future Vision Leaders member. Becoming a member is quick, easy, and entirely free – register here.

Membership is available to all ophthalmology residents, medical students, and university graduates.

RESIDENT TEACHING – Childhood Glaucoma’s


Date: Friday April 23, 2021

Time: 9:00 AM – 10:30 AM EST

Topic: Childhood glaucoma’s  

Speaker: Dr. Asim Ali 


Zoom Link – https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83510355878?pwd=c0J0S2pTTUpGTnNDdWJVVkRzYmNuUT09

Passcode: X6DFb8

DOVS GRAND ROUNDS – The Honest Work of Pediatric Retina

Date: Friday April 23, 2021

Time: 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM EST

Topic: The Honest Work of Pediatric Retina

Speaker:   Dr. Peter Kertes


Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82406146409?pwd=YWVVVlk2Y3BEZHU0NmNUbm5pbVJtdz09

Passcode: 4WM7Mc

Learning Objectives:

1. The diagnosis and management of some unusual pediatric retinal conditions.

2. To learn of some of the unique aspects in the surgical management of pediatric retina conditions.

Cornea Surgical Video Learning Series

The next session of the Cornea Surgical Video Learning Series, co-moderated by Professor Sadeer Hannush (Wills Eye Hospital) and Professor Allan Slomovic (University of Toronto) and their respective Cornea Departments will be hosted on the following date:

Date: Thursday May 20th 2021
Time: 7:30 – 9pm EST

Keynote Lecture: « Implanting & Securing Posterior Chamber IOLs without Capsular Support using the Canabrava 4-Flanged Technique »- Dr Sergio Canabrava

Title: Implanting & Securing Posterior Chamber IOLs without Capsular Support using the Canabrava 4-Flanged Technique

Case Presentations:

  1. Gore-tex Sutured PCIOL Gone Bad – Dr Ashley Khalili
  2. Fixating IOL-Bag complex with the 4-flange technique – Dr Eyal Cohen
  3. Repair of traumatic iris dialysis and complex phacoemulsification – Dr Michael Mimouni


CPD points are available for attending these rounds as per the Royal College.

Access details:

Register in advance for this webinar here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

This session will be recorded and placed online for future viewing. Past sessions may be accessed here also.

DOVS CORNEA ROUNDS – The Sub400 CXL protocol: walking on thin ice AND Friend or foe: the role of mitomycin in CXL

Date: Thursday April 22, 2021

Tme: 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM EST

Topic: The Sub400 CXL protocol: walking on thin ice AND Friend or foe: the role of mitomycin in CXL

Speaker: Dr. Neera Singal

Please view the attached articles for this session:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To gain an understanding of techniques available when performing CXL in thin corneas
  2. When to consider using MMC in CXL
  3. To understand the natural history of haze in CXL