Symposiums 2020 de la SCO sur la rétine – Modules agréés (Section 3)

Crédits de Section 3 : Programmes d’autoévaluation agréés

Joignez-vous à nous pour des activités agréées d’apprentissage sur demande comportant deux symposiums du Congrès annuel virtuel 2020 de la SCO. Obtenez des crédits de Section 3 en participant à ces deux programmes d’autoévaluation :

Accédez aux programmes ici :

Pour répondre aux critères d’agrément, vous devez faire un prétest et un post-test. De plus, on vous demandera de répondre à un sondage d’évaluation après l’activité. Les certificats de participation pourront être téléchargés. La Section 3 du Programme de maintien du certificat du Collège royal des médecins et chirurgiens du Canada prévoit que vous pouvez réclamer un maximum de 1,5 heure pour l’achèvement de chacune des deux activités d’apprentissage (total de 3 heures).

Détails d’accès

Participez aux modules en ligne en cliquant sur le lien suivant :

Congrès annuel 2020 de la SCO – Archives

Le Congrès annuel et exposition 2020 de la SCO a eu lieu en format virtuel du 26 au 28 juin 2020. Grâce aux liens ci-dessous, vous pouvez accéder aux documents du congrès qui demeurent pertinents pour votre pratique. Passez en revue les enregistrements des séances, les affiches virtuelles, les vidéos chirurgicales et parcourez les présentations sur papier enregistrées. Obtenez des crédits de Section 3 grâce à deux programmes d’autoévaluation agréés élaborés à partir des deux symposiums élaborés conjointement, La guerre infinie de la rétine : visons-nous l’assèchement total? et Rapport spécial DMLA-OMD : matière à réflexion.

Programmes agréés d’autoévaluation, Section 3 – Visitez le site web

Obtenez des crédits de Section 3 en participant à ces deux programmes d’autoévaluation fondés sur deux symposiums enregistrés élaborés conjointement :

Affiches virtuelles et vidéos chirurgicales – Visitez le site web

Réclamez des crédits de Section 2. Parcourez les affiches virtuelles et documentez vos principaux apprentissages à l’aide du formulaire Poster Transcript que vous pouvez soumettre dans MAINPORT pour inscrire vos crédits [Include pdf of 2020 Poster transcript: Z:\2020\Annual Meeting\Abstracts\Posters].

Review the 2020 ePoster Bulk Viewing TranscriptDownload

Présentations sur papier -Visitez le site web

Parcourez les résumés sur papier et les résumés accompagnés d’une narration mettant en lumière la recherche novatrice en ophtalmologie. Réclamez ensuite des crédits de Section 2 de MAINPORT, sous « lecture d’articles ».

Enregistrements de séance : Visitez la chaîne Youtube de la SCO

Obtenez des connaissances de pointe grâce au visionnement sur demande des séances de surspécialités enregistrées du Congrès annuel 2020 de la SCO, qui portent notamment sur l’ophtalmologie en santé publique et mondiale, la chirurgie de la cataracte, la rétine, le glaucome, la neuro-ophtalmologie, la cornée et la chirurgie réfractive, les intérêts des résidents et des jeunes ophtalmologistes et l’ophtalmologie pédiatrique. Réclamez des crédits de Section 2 pour « lecture d’articles » dans MAINPORT.

Editorial from AAO: COVID-19 and the Ophthalmology Match

August 11, 2020

COVID-19 and the Ophthalmology Match
David A. Quillen, MD – Hershey, Pennsylvania
R. Michael Siatkowski, MD – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Steven Feldon, MD, MBA – Rochester, New York, on behalf of the Association of University Professors of

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has impacted ophthalmology and medical education profoundly. In an effort to reduce the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, the American Academy of Ophthalmology issued a statement on March 18, 2020,urging all ophthalmologists immediately to cease providing any treatment other than urgent or emergent care.1 This recommendations endorsed by every major ophthalmology organization in the United States resulted in a 79% reduction in care, the highest decline of any medical or surgical discipline.2 Concurrently, the Association of American Medical Colleges recommended that medical schools pause all medical student clinical rotations and suggested that medical students not be involved in any direct patient care.3 The disruption was unprecedented. Medical students were unable to complete core clerkship and specialty electives at a critical time in their training. Imposed travel restrictions limited their ability to pursue rotations away from their home institutions (“away rotations”), global health experiences, and academic meetings. Social distancing requirements interrupted research activities and prevented some medical students from completing the United States Medical Licensing Examinations (USMLEs).

Read the Full Editorial, COVID-19 and the Ophthalmology Match Editorial here.

ASOA EyeTalks Radio

About Podcast : EyeTalks Radio delivers strategies and techniques for success in the field of ophthalmic practice management through rich content and periodic interviews with subject matter experts on topics of interest to those who run the business side of ophthalmology

Frequency: 2 episodes / quarter

Join the conversation to the ASOA EyeTalks radio podcast here.

American Academy of Ophthalmology – Global Ophthalmology Resources

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) is the US counterpart to the Canadian Ophthalmological Society, and is the world’s largest association of eye physicians and surgeons. As one of the leading global eye health organizations, they have published a number of excellent resources related to global ophthalmology, including:

Global Ophthalmology Guide – The AAO’s Global Ophthalmology Guide is an interactive database of articles, training opportunities, and other interesting resources that span a large range of global ophthalmic topics.

Epidemiology and Biostatistics for the Global Ophthalmologist Epidemiology and Biostatistics for the Global Ophthalmologist is an easy-to-browse adaptation from the book of the same name by Alfred Sommer, MD, MHS. The resource is targeted towards ophthalmologists in practice or training who desire a fundamental understanding of epidemiology, statistics, and interpretation of ophthalmic research literature.

Readers can expect to:

Ethics in Global Ophthalmology – In global clinical care and research, ophthalmologists must always act in the best interests of patients and the local community by maintaining high ethical standards. This collection of content reviews the ethical role of trainees and risk management in a global setting, and the numerable ethical challenges in global practice: appropriate supervision, competence, informed consent, perioperative care, patient vulnerability and privacy, and potential conflicts of interest. Please note that you must be logged in to the AAO website to access this content.

Volunteer Work in Global Ophthalmology – Volunteering abroad is undergoing a sea change. Gone are the days of simply flying overseas to an under-resourced community, performing hundreds of cataract surgeries, and returning home to your practice. Most communities now have their own health systems in place with local physicians who can perform procedures at a lower cost than in the past. This resource is designed to help ophthalmologists increase their knowledgebase and efficacy as volunteers in eye health on the global stage.

The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) is an overarching alliance for the global eye care sector. Their 150+ members are drawn from NGOs and civil society, corporate organisations, professional bodies and research and eye care institutions.

They were founded in 1975 to lead international efforts in blindness prevention activities.

Their priorities are:

The IAPB publishes a number of resources, some of which are highlighted below. The IAPB maintains a comprehensive website, which can be accessed by clicking here.

IAPB Resource Highlights

Word report on vision: This report is the cornerstone of IAPB’s global advocacy strategy. It provides a critical moment to inform and persuade global leaders about the magnitude and unacceptability of unavoidable vision loss globally.

The World Report on Vision seeks to generate greater awareness and increased political will and investment to strengthen eye care globally. The report offers clear proposals to address significant challenges in delivering eye care through existing health systems. It builds on the concerted efforts of the past thirty years to propose an integrated, people-centred eye care that strengthens health systems and meets population needs.

IAPB Webinar Repository. IAPB Webinars are a great way for to learn, connect and grow with help from the IAPB community. Here you will find links to videos from webinars past, and also list information on the webinars lined up for the future. This page also includes links to Seeing is Believing webinars.

Talks Eye-Inspire: The Eye-Inspire series will bring you the inspiration and scientific stimuli that has propelled forward some of the brightest minds in eye health. The International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) brings you a series of interviews – written, audio and video –speaking to individuals from the eye care sector, whose work continues to inspire us all. Using video and other media, IAPB will present one individual per episode. The individual will list 4-5 scientific papers that have most influenced them and their work, and explain how these key scientific milestones have pushed their careers – and as a consequence, the sector’s knowledge – ahead in innovative, new directions. 

Article – Prevalence and determinants of visual impairment in Canada: cross-sectional data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Read the full article through the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology website: Full Article


Rumaisa Aljied, BSc; Marie-Josée Aubin, MD, MSc, MPH; Ralf Buhrmann, MD, PhD; Saama Sabeti, MD; Ellen E. Freeman, PhD



To determine the prevalence and determinants of visual impairment in Canada.


Inclusion criteria included being between the ages of 45 and 85 years old, community-dwelling, and living near one of the 11 data collection sites across 7 Canadian provinces. People were excluded if they were in an institution, living on a First Nations reserve, were a full-time member of the Canadian Armed Forces, did not speak French or English, or had cognitive impairment. Visual acuity was measured using the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) chart while participants wore their usual prescription for distance, if any. Visual impairment was defined as presenting binocular acuity worse than 20/40.


Of Canadian adults, 5.7% (95% CI 5.4–6.0) had visual impairment. A wide variation in the provincial prevalence of visual impairment was observed ranging from a low of 2.4% (95% CI 2.0–3.0) in Manitoba to a high of 10.9% (95% CI 9.6–12.2) in Newfoundland and Labrador. Factors associated with a higher odds of visual impairment included older age (odds ratio [OR] = 1.07, 95% CI 1.06–1.08), lower income (OR = 2.07 for those earning less than $20 000 per year, 95% CI 1.65–2.59), current smoking (OR = 1.52, 95% CI 1.25–1.85), type 2 diabetes (OR = 1.20, 95% CI 1.03–1.41), and memory problems (OR = 1.44, 95% CI 1.04–2.01).


Refractive error was the leading cause of visual impairment. Older age, lower income, province, smoking, diabetes, and memory problems were associated with visual impairment.

Read the full article through the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology website: Full Article

World Health Organization Factsheet – Blindness and Visual Impairment

This resource from the World Health Organization takes a brief view of global blindness and visual impairment. The document examines definitions, prevalence, causes, strategies, as well as WHO’s response. Last updated in October 2019, this resource is an excellent snapshot of global eye health conditions.

This resource can be accessed here.

Article – Visual impairment and the use of formal and informal home care in Canada: the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging

Read the full article through the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology website: Full Article


Rumaisa Aljied, BSc; Marie-Josée Aubin, MD, MSc, MPH; Ralf Buhrmann, MD, PhD; Ellen E. Freeman, PhD



To determine the use of home care services in those with and without visual impairment in Canada.


Presenting visual acuity was measured using the Early Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study chart at 2 meters. Visual impairment was defined as binocular acuity worse than 20/60. The use of formal, informal, and both types of home care was determined by questionnaire.


For 29 666 participants, the use of any home care was greater in those with visual impairment than in those without (28% vs 12%, respectively, p < 0.01). After adjusting for demographics and health, people with visual impairment were more likely to use informal home care (odds ratio [OR] = 1.89, 95% CI 1.35–2.63) and formal home care/both types of home care (OR = 2.70, 95% CI 1.79–4.07) than those without visual impairment. Marital status was a modifier.


Visual impairment is associated with use of home care services. These findings warrant further exploration and, if confirmed, have major health service implications, given the rising prevalence of visual impairment due to age-related eye diseases.

Read the full article through the Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology website: Full Article