CMPA eLearning: Privacy and confidentiality

Upon completion, you will be able to:

  1. Describe the professional and legal obligations for physicians to protect health information and maintain patient confidentiality.
  2. Define the concept of implied consent when sharing patient information within the circle of care.
  3. Recognize specific situations where the law requires or allows disclosure of confidential patient information without the consent of the patient

This activity is an Accredited Self-Assessment Program (Section 3) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the CMPA. You may claim a maximum of 0.5 hour (credits are automatically calculated).

This activity was published in June 2021.

CMPA eLearning: Negligence and civil liability

Upon completion, you will be able to

  1. Define negligence (civil liability in Québec) in a medical malpractice context.
  2. List the elements that must be proven to find negligence (civil liability in Québec).
  3. Describe how the courts determine if a physician has breached the standard of care (committed a fault in Québec).

This activity is an Accredited Self-Assessment Program (Section 3) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the CMPA. You may claim a maximum of 0.5 hour (credits are automatically calculated).

This activity was published in July 2021.

WGA Surgical Grand Rounds

World-renowned glaucoma specialists share how they approach surgical challenges. Mark your calendar for the WGA Surgical Grand Rounds Webinar on January 27, 2022. The webinar will be broadcast live at two timeslots, making sure that wherever you are, you can tune in at a time that suits you. As a bonus, you’ll have early access to the on-demand replay of the webinar.

Once registered, you can join one of the two sessions at your preferred time:

The webinar will address:

CJO December 2021 Issue Highlights

The December 2021 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights: 

Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our residents have summarized 4 articles that are relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our June visual abstract, Micropulse trans-scleral laser therapy outcomes for uncontrolled glaucoma: a prospective 18-month study.

Review and original research articles:

Research letters and case reports:

Follow the CJO on social media:

Twitter: @CanJOphth

Instagram: @cjo_jco

Facebook: CanJOphth

Case-Based Neuro-Ophthalmology: Multiple choice questions and explanations

Case-Based Neuro-Ophthalmology: Multiple choice questions and explanations is an online textbook designed for ophthalmology and neurology residents learning neuro-ophthalmology through cases and multiple-choice questions.

Contact Person: Jonathan Micieli, [email protected]

Canadian Neuro-Ophthalmology Group eTextbook of Eye Movements

Canadian Neuro-ophthalmology Group eTextbook of Eye Movements is an Online Textbook that serves as a comprehensive clinical review of ocular motor function and dysfunction.

Optics for Residents with Dr V Penner

Optics for Residents with Dr V Penner A series of short youtube videos on various topics in optics intended for residents. Dr. Penner discusses approaches and answers to common optics questions.

One Retinoblastoma World Site Web

Online Resource

One Retinoblastoma World website. Le site web répertorie les centres mondiaux qui traitent le rétinoblastome, ainsi que leurs ressources/capacités humaines et matérielles.

Le rétinoblastome est un cancer de l’œil agressif qui touche chaque année 8 000 nouveaux bébés et enfants dans le monde. Une détection précoce et des soins coordonnés et fondés sur des preuves dans des centres de traitement spécialisés sont essentiels pour sauver des vies et la vision

CJO October 2021 Issue Highlights

The October 2021 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights: 

Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our residents have summarized 4 articles that are relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our June visual abstract, Subclinical ocular inflammation in patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

Review and original research articles:

Research letters and case reports:

Follow the CJO on social media:

Twitter: @CanJOphth

Instagram: @cjo_jco

Facebook: CanJOphth