novembre 2019
Recommandations factuelles de la Société canadienne de glaucome au sujet du risque de formation d’un glaucome aigu par fermeture de l’angle avec l’utilisation de routine du butylbromure d’hyoscine (Buscopan) pour les interventions gastroentérologiques

The Position Stated is based on current evidence and expert medical opinion available at the time and was endorsed by the COS in November 2019.
Background: Hyoscine-n-butylbromide (Buscopan) is a commonly used anticholinergic medication for
gastroenterological endoscopic procedures because of its ability to induce smooth muscle relaxation and decrease spasm. It can also be used for radiologic procedures of the gastrointestinal tract. Buscopan may increase detection of colorectal adenoma by up to 30%, thus this medication should not be withheld needlessly.