The Council of Canadian Ophthalmology Residents (CCOR) has been working with a group of medical students from the Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group (COSIG) to put together a speed mentoring session. We would like to cordially invite you as small group leaders at the 2022 COSIG Annual Meeting (CAM).
CCOR-COSIG Speed Mentoring Session
Through this session, you will share your journey to ophthalmology with medical students across Canada. No preparation is required! You will be asked to provide insight on the life of an ophthalmology resident
Date: Saturday, May 28th, 2022
Time: 2:30-3:50 PM EST
Structure: 4 x 20 – minute breakout rooms on Zoom
Guest Speakers: Drs. Cynthia Qian, Guillermo Rocha, Dr. Agnes Wong
If interested, please fill in this form by Sunday, April 24th.