Inherited Retinal Dystrophies, Clinical Breakthroughs and Gene Replacement Therapies: Entering a New Era of Medicine


This is an Educational Webinar Series available on demand. There are Series of 3 webinars focusing on inherited retinal disease presented by Canadian experts discussing inherited retinal dystrophies from symptoms, to diagnosis and treatment options. The role of genetic screening and genetic counseling as part of the patient journey are also presented. Each of the webinars lasts approximately 60 minutes inclusive of Q&A.

Target Audience

This program is open to retina specialists, general ophthalmologists, and pediatric ophthalmologists.

Learning Objectives

The objectives for each of the webinars are as follows:

1. Reimagining the Treatment of Inherited Retinal Dystrophies
• Recognize the signs and symptoms of IRD
• Describe the IRD patient journey to diagnosis, and referral pathway
• Understand the value of genetic screening in patients who present with an inherited or a
suspected genetically-based ocular disease

2. Advances in Inherited Retinal Dystrophies and Gene Replacement Therapy – The Future is Now
• Understand the mechanism of action of gene replacement therapy and its potential application
in various genetic diseases
• Gain knowledge in various clinical studies for IRDs: therapeutic, gene editing and stem cell
• Define the clinical end-points and measurements used in different trials

3. Best Practices for Virtual Genetic Counselling and Testing for Inherited Retinal Dystrophy
• Gain knowledge about virtual ocular genetic counselling and testing clinic
• Understand the patient journey from referral to genetic confirmation for individuals with a
suspected IRD
• Recognize the value of genetic counselling and/or testing for patients who present with an
inherited or suspected genetically based ocular disease

Access Details
The series of webinars can be accessed via the following link, IRD Learning Series

This program is supported by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Canada Inc.

CJO -June 2021 Issue Highlights

The June 2021 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights:  

Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our residents have summarized 4 articles that are relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our June visual abstract, Inflammatory markers of complete blood count in Fuchs uveitis syndrome.  

Original research articles:

·        Quality of life of low vision patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis [systematic review]

·        Validating the use of a stereoscopic robotized teleophthalmic drone slit lamp  [original research]

·        Binocularity outcomes following treatment for retinopathy of prematurity  [original research]

·        Analysis of retinal neurodegeneration in gestational and type 2 diabetes using swept-source OCT [original research]

·        Visual impairment and the prevalence of ocular pathology in homeless children and adults globally [systematic review]

Research letters and case reports:

·        A national survey of Canadian women in ophthalmology: on role models, mentorship, and communities of practice [research letter]

·        Transition from retrobulbar to subtenon anaesthesia in ocular surgery: a surgeon’s perspective [research letter]

· Bilateral interstitial keratitis as the presenting manifestation of systemic lupus erythematosus in a child [case report]

·        Iris stromal defect in an infant masquerading as a tumour: the sailing iris? [case report]

·        Central retinal artery occlusion associated with Sweet syndrome [case report]

Follow the CJO on social media:

Twitter: @CanJOphth

Instagram: @cjo_jco

Facebook: CanJOphth

Ophthalmology Foundation Education Consortium (OFEC) Newsletter

The OFEC launched earlier this year as part of the Ophthalmology Foundation’s efforts to advance ophthalmic education. A good place to start your exploration of the programs the OFEC will be offering is the Education Consortium page on the Ophthalmology Foundation website.

The OFEC will offer educational tools and learning opportunities for all ophthalmic teachers. We encourage you to visit the Ophthalmology Foundation website to explore the expanding collection of resources, learn about upcoming online course offerings, and take advantage of opportunities to contribute to the Foundation and connect with other educators.

Video Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JCRS)

The Video Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JCRS) is a monthly, preeminent, peer-reviewed medical journal covering refractive and lens-based optical surgery. JCRS has maintained its status as a prominent forum for original research, review, and evaluation of refractive and lens-based surgical procedures for more than 30 years.

The JCRS is the official journal of the International Society of Refractive Surgery, a partner of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. In addition, the medical community journal has been deemed the official journal of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS) and the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS).

The journal is published by Healio and features high quality articles on all aspects of anterior segment surgery. In addition to original clinical studies, the journal features a consultation section, practical techniques, important cases, and reviews as well as basic science articles.

Target Audience

JCRS is written with anterior surgery specialists in mind; however clinical studies, techniques, and cases offer invaluable tools for ophthalmologists across sub-specialties.

Learning Objectives

Practical, clinically valuable articles provide readers with the most up-to-date information regarding advances in the field of refractive surgery. Begin to explore the Journal and all of its great benefits such as:

• Columns including “Translational Science,” “Surgical Techniques,” and “Biomechanics”
• Supplemental videos and materials available for many articles
• Access to current articles, as well as several years of archived content
• Articles posted online just 2 months after acceptance

Access Details

Find the Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery (JCRS):

Facebook Page here, or visit the JCRS website here.

The first issue of the 2021 Video Journal of Cataract, Refractive, & Glaucoma Surgery entitled “History and Evolution of Contemporary Refractive Surgery” is available for viewing.

Evidence-Informed Approaches to Teleglaucoma in Canada

April 2021


This report provides a review of evidence-informed approaches to teleglaucoma (TG) care in Canadian contexts as of January 2021. TG is defined as a spectrum of options that adapts telemedicine approaches to enhance care for glaucoma patients (those diagnosed with as well as at risk for developing glaucoma). The objective of this document is to act as a foundation for Canadian ophthalmologists who wish to establish their own TG practice.

This work was undertaken by the Canadian Glaucoma Society Teleglaucoma Working Group, comprised of glaucoma specialists and comprehensive ophthalmologists from across the country.

Many physicians have transitioned to a partially virtual care paradigm since the onset of COVID-19. The rationale for widespread adoption of TG is three-fold. First, the demand for ophthalmic services in Canada is projected to increase with our ageing population and rising prevalence of sight-threatening conditions such as glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, and cataract. Enhancing access to these services with a limited budget and supply of providers remains critically unresolved. Second, rural and remote communities continue to grapple with underservicing for specialist care, leading to poorer health outcomes. For many decades, health equity has been a central focus of Canadian health policy with limited progress. Third, there is a strong patient and provider preference for virtual care as it is more time- and cost-effective. Virtual care offers a feasible solution to meet the health needs of our population while allowing our health systems to optimally utilize finite resources.

This report outlines three models of care in TG with sample case scenarios and offers a template for a standardized TG setup. The models of care elaborated upon include modular extension, in-office, and collaborative.12 These models describe how clinicians can accomplish virtual screening (including triage), consultation and monitoring of patients. Clinicians may wish to incorporate one or more elements of these models into their practice depending on their own situational context. This report also acknowledges an important gap in TG, which is the absence of gonioscopy. Clinicians should consider alternative methods to evaluate the risk of angle closure glaucoma.

This report also offers suggestions for practice patterns, outlines tools for remote assessment, summarizes licensure, medicolegal and safety considerations (including missing angle closure and other secondary glaucomas), reviews merits and challenges of TG (including the billing landscape), considers the promising future of TG, and offers suggestions on how to overcome barriers in order to optimize care for patients in the virtual environment.

COVID-19 has illuminated the ways in which limitations to virtual care have been largely self-imposed. Much of our advocacy in advancing virtual care must occur at the health systems level. We hope that this document can equip providers with the knowledge and inspiration to carve their own path in the realm of teleglaucoma and teleophthalmology at-large.

Read the full report here.

Medical Record Keeping

One-day online interactive case-based workshop for developing approaches for good record-keeping. This workshop addresses the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Medical Record Keeping Policy. Pre-workshop and post-workshop assignments are required.

2021 Upcoming Dates

Access Details

Visit the University of Toronto CPD website for registration details.

Strategies for Managing Unprofessional Behaviour

About the Strategies for Managing Unprofessional Behaviour online program.

This is a comprehensive program that supports healthcare managers and leaders, as well as those who wish to grow into leadership positions, in recognizing and addressing unprofessional behaviour. The course is offered online, as five 2-hour sessions delivered over the course of five weeks.

CPD Credits

Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada MOC Program 30.0 credits (Section 3)

Access Details

Visit the Saegis website for course information, dates and costs.

The Eyes Have it- Educational Resources

Educational Resources

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