Physician Wellness: Offer of Support to All Canadian physicians during the COVID-19 Crisis

Dr. Mamta Gautam, is an Ottawa-based psychiatrist, known as the Doctors’ Doctor, with expertise in physician health and physician leadership.  She is hosting a free daily Zoom call to offer mutual peer support to colleagues as we deal with COVID19.

-Zoom call, at 4 pm EST for 1 hour, 7 days/week

-Please feel free to drop in, as often as you want, for as long as you want. No commitment.

-This is not therapy or psychiatric care, just peer support.

-While unable to guarantee confidentiality, Dr. Gautam is doing her best to ensure privacy.

-It will not be recorded in any way.

Please email her at [email protected]  for the link and password for access to the Zoom calls.

Ensuring our Own Well-being as we Care for Others During the COVID-19 Crisis as Individual Physicians

As individual physicians, we can practice strategies to increase and maintain our personal resilience. Feeling stress does not mean we are not coping well or not able to do our job. In fact, it is a normal human response, and may be useful in allowing us to function during this difficult time. The important thing is to manage it effectively so that stress does not become distress. Using the 5 C’s of Resilience framework (1), there are tangible things we can do to remain well.

Access details

Read the full article here.

Virtual Care for Canadian Physicians

This playbook was written to help Canadian physicians introduce virtual patient encounters into their daily practices. It is intended to be virtual care platform and vendor agnostic. It focuses on video visits, though phone calls and patient messaging are also categorized as virtual care.

While not exhaustive, the playbook covers all key considerations to succeed at providing safe, effective and efficient care:

• Fitting virtual care into your practice workflow

• Technology requirements

• Scope of practice — what problems can be safely assessed and treated

• “Webside” manner

• The virtual visit from beginning to end

Access Details

Read the full Canadian Medical Association’s Virtual Care Playbook

COVID-19 Cases in Canada : Latest Data and Information

government-of-canada-logo – Copy – Quebec Writers' Federation

The Wills Eye Knowledge Portal

The Wills Eye Knowledge Portal provides free online learning for ophthalmologists.

Featured Content Includes

Access Details

To access the courses on the Wills Eye Knowledge Portal please visit:

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COVID-19 support measures: At a glance

March 27, 2020

MD financial management has put together a roundup of the new measures, organized by their relevance to medical students and residents, practicing physicians, retired physicians, and family members.

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The international agency for the prevention of blindness (IAPB) COVID-19 Resources

26 March, 2020

The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is rapidly changing the way the health and development communities are working. With the proximity of eye health professionals to patients during eye examinations and reports that the virus can cause conjunctivitis, COVID-19 has implications for eye health and eye health professionals.  

IAPB is collating and sharing information and resources specific to eye health and international development in relation to COVID-19.

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COVID-19 Resources:

Stepping up infection control measures in ophthalmology during the novel coronavirus outbreak: an experience from Hong Kong

Access Details

To access the referenced article please visit:

Ergonomics for the Ophthalmologist Videos

The COS is pleased to provide access to the presentations on Ergonomics that took place during the 2017 COS Annual Meeting in Montreal, QC. On this page you will find a variety of resources and video presentations on the subject of ergonomics.

CPD Credit

Scanning resources that are relevant to your professional practice by enhancing your awareness of new evidence, perspectives and findings can be claimed as Section 2: Self-Learning under Scanning in MAINPORT with the MOC Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.


Video Presentation

1. Introduction

Dr. Lorne Bellan’s brief introduction to the ergonomics session.

2. Re-attaching the focus on body mechanics and ergonomics

George Matos, CAT(C)
During the 2017 COS Annual Meeting, George Matos presented two engaging lectures that encouraged delegates to re-attach their focus on body mechanics and ergonomics. During these sessions Mr. Matos explains the impacts of body positioning in the various aspects of ophthalmology, how this can negatively impact body mechanics and then he provides some tips and exercises to combat the negative effects.

PowerPoint slides for the above session: Matos Current Concepts Talk – Slides

3. The incidence and effects of work-related musculoskeletal injury among ophthalmologists

Ashley Brissette, MD

Dr. Ashley Brissette presented her findings from a systematic review of current literature regarding ergonomics and work-related MSK injury in the field of ophthalmology.

4. Occupational musculoskeletal pain & injury in Canadian ophthalmologists

Vlad Diaconita, MD

Dr. Vlad Diaconita presented the results from a survey that was sent out to the COS membership in spring 2017 regarding MSK pain and injury.

Discussion 1

5. Developing an educational module for ergonomics in ophthalmology

Timothy Ratzlaff, MD

Dr. Timothy Ratzlaff discussed the content and creation of an educational module built by applying the main points highlighted in Ashley Brissette’s literature review.

6.  Canadian Ophthalmic Practitioner Ergonomic (COPE) survey

Femida Kherani, MD

Dr. Femida Kherani presented the results from the COPE survey, which was sent out to multiple listservs in May 2017.

Discussion 2

This resource is only available in English.