Clinical Day in Ophthalmology 2022 – Glaucoma

Clinical Day in Ophthalmology 2022 – Glaucoma

Glaucoma Past and Present: How far we’ve come

Clinical Day in Ophthalmology is an annual one-day event hosted by Western University in London Ontario. The meeting is directed towards ophthalmologists, post-graduate trainees, optometrists and allied health personnel. The topic this year is glaucoma with Canadian and International guest speakers. Lively discussion and audience participation is encouraged.

Date:  Friday, April 8th, 2022

Location: Virtual

Type of event: Conference

Learning objectives:

Registration: $100 for physicians and eye care professionals, $15 for allied health personnel and free for trainees. 

This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by Continuing Professional Development, Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University. You may claim a maximum of 4.5 hours (credits are automatically calculated).

International Ophthalmic Conclave with AIOS

The All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) is planning a 3-day International Ophthalmic Conclave from February 18 – 20, 2022, and will be broadcast on a virtual platform for the benefit of our ophthalmic community across the globe.

Canadian Ophthalmologists Dr. Mona Dagher, Dr. Josh Teichman, Dr. Béatrice Des Marchais, and Dr. Kashif Baig, and Dr. Varun Chaudhary will present a symposium at the International Ophthalmic Conclave of the AIOS.

COMP 6: A Discussion on Community Ophthalmology

The Canadian Ophthalmology Student Interest Group (COSIG) is pleased to invite you to the 6th talk of our Canadian Ophthalmology Mentorship Program (COMP) Speakers Series featuring Dr. Colin Mann MD, FRCSC (COS President), Dr. Erin Demmings MD, MEd, FRCSC and Dr. Ken Roberts MD, FRCSC.

Date: Tuesday, February 8, 2022
Time: 6 PM EST to 7 PM EST

American Academy of Ophthalmology Joint Journal Club

Date: Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

Time: 8:30 pm

Topic: AAO/AAPOS February 2022 Journal Club

Moderator: Dr. Ken Wright

Validation of a novel strabismus surgery 3D-printed silicone eye model for simulation training – Yi Ning Strube, MD

Increasing incidence and risk factors for divergence insufficiency esotropia – David L. Guyton, MD

Long-term ophthalmic outcomes in 120 children with unilateral coronal synostosis: A 20-year retrospective analysis – Linda R. Dagi, MD

Register here:

Women Leaders in Eye Health Coffee Hour

Date: Thursday, February 10th, 2022

Time: 8:00 am

Speakers: Dr. Sara Wester, Dr. Erin Shriver, Dr. Femida Kherani

Topic: Session 1 Oculoplastics.

The panelists will answer questions posed from the original webinar series or submitted in advance and will provide real-life professional mentoring and advice as experienced OCP specialists. This informal webinar format will allow for ample participation from all to share questions and make comments and encourages discussion among participants.

Register in Advance:

To view previous sessions click the link below:

WOMEN RESIDENTS IN OPHTHALMOLOGY – Current Status of Gender Equity in Ophthalmology

Date: Wednesday, January 26th, 2022

Time: 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM

Topic: Current Status of Gender Equity in Ophthalmology

Speaker: Dr. Yvonne Buys

Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Please see some recommended readings below.

Buys YM, Canizares M, Felfeli T, Jin Y: Influence of age, sex, and generation on physician payments and clinical activity in Ontario, Canada: An age-period-cohort analysis. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2019;205:184-96

Buys YM, Canizares M, Felfeli T, Jin YP: Trends in payments among male and female ophthalmologists in Ontario from 1992 to 2018. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology doi: 10.1016/j.jcjo.2021.07.011.

Moroccan Society Ophthalmology National Congress

Join the Moroccan Society of Ophthalmology for the 35th Annual National Ophthalmology Congress taking place from February 9 to 12 in Casablanca. This year’s Congress theme is macular pathology and the event will feature subspecialty days and rich roundtable discussions.

Virtual RANZCO Scientific Congress

The 52nd Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists will take place online from February 26 – March 1, 2022.

The RANZCO Board and staff from RANZCO and Think Business Events agreed to run the 52nd RANZCO Annual Scientific Congress, taking place this February, as a virtual event. There has been an overwhelming desire to run the Congress as a hybrid event and we are aware that everyone is looking forward to meeting in person. The RANZCO Board have waited until the 11th hour to make this decision to afford all possible chances of a face-to-face meeting. However, the risks are simply too high.

Virtual ESCRS Winter Meeting

The virtual ESCRS Winter Meeting will take place from February 18 – 20, 2022. In registering for this event, you receive access to the virtual platform during the live meeting and access to the on-demand content on the virtual platform for 3 months after. View the Scientific Program online here.

The European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) seeks to promote and support research in the field of intraocular lens implantation and refractive surgery and the dissemination of the useful results thereof. ESCRS has over 7,500 members from 130 countries worldwide.

The ESCRS evolved from the European Intraocular Implant Club which was established in 1981. The Society is administered by the ESCRS Board, a Board of Ophthalmologists elected by its members. The ESCRS staff based in London, UK, are responsible for the organisation of the Society’s day-to-day activities.