Webinar – McMaster Rounds: Cataract Surgical Teaching and COVID-19

Webinar Details 

Topic: McMaster Rounds: Cataract Surgical Teaching and Covid-19

Time: May 13, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Learning Objectives:

  1. Briefly recap cataract surgical teaching pre-covid.
  2. Explore challenges in resuming surgical teaching given covid restrictions.
  3. Explore strategies for resuming surgical teaching given covid restrictions.
  4. Following rounds, prepare a brief summary of proposed strategies including those contributed by participants through zoom chat box.  Distribute summary of proposed strategies to Program Directors and Academic Chairs nationally for their information/consideration.


Zoom details:

Join Zoom Meeting: https://mcmaster.zoom.us/j/93611361424pwd=amVlcUNncThVdklXLysvcE9zZGgrZz09

Meeting ID: 936 1136 1424

Password: 975330

One tap mobile

Webinar–A Path to a New Vision: Virtual Care – COVID and Beyond

A PATH TO A NEW VISION: Virtual Care – COVID and Beyond

Are you struggling to provide ophthalmology care to your patients virtually during the pandemic?  We are excited to have Dr. Dawn Sim, Associate Professor at University College London and Director of Telemedine at the Moorfields Digital Laboratory as our guest speaker. 

They will be sharing their experiences with ophthalmology virtual care.  Given the current challenges of seeing patients in person, as well as the challenges of catching up on the backlog of patient visits in future, is virtual care going to be a practical option to assist us?  Join us to find out.



Moderator: Dr. Guillermo Rocha

Guest Speaker: Dr. Dawn Sim

Cross-Country Canadian Panel:

The Planning Committee is made of up members of the COS Council on CPD, Chaired by Dr. Colin Mann, and includes Dr. Mona Harissi-Dagher, Dr. Varun Chaudhary, and Dr. Hady Saheb.


Please use the link below to submit questions in advance of the webinar: https://ca.surveygizmo.com/s3/50075021/APathtoaNewVisionQuestions

Your questions will help to guide the presentation by Dr. Sim and the provincial correspondents.


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:


This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 1 hour.


Going forward the COS webinar series A Path to a New Vision will take place on Thursdays at 4:00 pm EDT. Future topics may include Physician Wellness during COVID; Financial Implications of COVID-19; A Return to Elective Cataract Surgery.

This webinar series was delivered with financial support from an educational grant provided to the COS by Bayer.


Colleen Drake, Coordinator, Continuing Professional Development, Canadian Ophthalmological Society at [email protected] with any questions.

Mindfulness & Resilience Self-Compassion Training for Healthcare Communities (SCHC) Building Resilience and Preventing Burnout

Mindfulness & Resilience Self-Compassion Training for Healthcare Communities (SCHC) Building Resilience and Preventing Burnout

Date and time: Tuesdays 6:00pm – 7:00pm from May 26 -June 30, 2020

Fee: $120 + HST (6 week online course)

Program Overview

Self-Compassion Training for Healthcare Communities (SCHC) is a 6-hr evidence-based healthcare adaptation of Mindful Self-Compassion, the empirically supported program of Dr. Kristin Neff at UT Austin and Dr. Chris Germer at Harvard Medical School. This brief training aims to improve wellbeing and personal resilience in healthcare professionals by teaching mindful self-compassion skills to deal with distressing emotional situations as they occur at work and at home.

Learning Objectives

As a participant of the program you can learn tools to use throughout the day to:


Sessions held online. Registration: Click here


[email protected]

Management of Retinal Disease in the Time of COVID-19 – Present and Future Challenges

LIVE – Webcasts and webinars Management of retinal disease in the time of COVID-19 – Present and future challenges

Date : Friday, 8 May 2020

Time : 5.00 – 6.30 pm CET


View-only live streaming will be available on this page.

Vision: Medico-Legal Concerns for Ophthalmic Care in the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COS CPD Council will offer a webinar series on topic information, relevant to ophthalmologists across Canada.

Going forward the COS webinar series A Path to a New Vision will take place on Thursdays at 4:00 pm EDT. Future topics may includePhysician Wellness during COVID; Virtual Ophthalmic care during and after COVID.  


Date: Thursday, April 30th
Time: 4:00 pm EDT
Zoom Link to register for the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DYW8jPrVSP2C5iV3Omrfdw
Language: English presentation, French questions may be submitted


Moderator: Dr. Guillermo Rocha
Guest Speaker: Dr. Richard Mimeault, CMPA

Cross-Country Canadian Panel

The Planning Committee is made of up members of the COS Council on CPD, Chaired by Dr. Colin Mann, and includes Dr. Mona Harissi-Dagher, Dr. Varun Chaudhary, and Dr. Hady Saheb.


Please use the link below to submit questions in advance of the webinar: https://ca.surveygizmo.com/s3/50074417/A-Path-to-a-New-Vision-Questions Your questions will help to guide the presentation by Dr. Mimeault and the provincial correspondents.


At the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:


This event is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 1 hour.


The Canadian Ophthalmological Society is excited to bring you this webinar series: A Path to a New Vision, which deals with COVID-19 related topics for Canadian Ophthhalmologists. Invited guests will provide expert information and a panel of ophthalmologists from across the country that provide a snapshot of current ophthalmic practice in Canada.  Future topics may include Physician Wellness during COVID; Virtual Ophthalmic care during and after COVID; Virtual Care/Teleophthalmology.  

This webinar series was delivered with financial support from an educational grant provided to the COS by Bayer.


Colleen Drake, Coordinator, Continuing Professional Development, Canadian Ophthalmological Society at [email protected] with any questions.

Webinar – Retina Connect: Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology – Reinventing the eye exam

The University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences invites you to RETINA CONNECT.

DATE: Tuesday May 5, 2020 4pm EST

TOPIC: Artificial Intelligence in Ophthalmology – Reinventing the eye exam

SPEAKER: Pearse Keane, MD FRCOphth Associate Professor, University College London. Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


Webinar ID: Please click the link below to join the webinar


Please contact Sandra Gauci [email protected] or Deepa Yoganathan / [email protected]  for more information and questions.

Youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-University

Youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-University

Access Details

Learn more about the OFTALMO BINARS live/recorded youtube webinars organized by Oftalmo-university

Many of the sessions are in Spanish but there are some sessions in English.

Archived content, with recorded previous sessions can be found here

Turning Burnout into Joy

This accredited activity has been developed from the recording of a live webinar that was hosted in February 2020. To participate in the webinar please visit this website: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2179418/81C4B40E26A303468E847B8512805FD6

Activity Overview

Stress is inherent in medicine and can lead to burnout. This presentation is designed to assist physicians in learning how to recognize the symptoms of burnout, and prevent burnout in themselves and their colleagues. The main causes of stress and drivers of burnout will be discussed, as well as the impact of burnout to the person and the system. We need to stop blaming doctors and see burnout prevention as a shared responsibility of both the individual physicians and the healthcare system. We will look at enhancing joy in our work, so we can maintain an intellectual, behavioural, and emotional commitment to meaningful and satisfying work. We will review the 5 C’s of Resilience to reinforce concrete and practical strategies that individuals can leverage to enhance resilience and maintain the joy in medicine.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

This is the second accredited activity that has been produced as part of the COS Physician Wellness Webinar Series. You can review Ergonomics and Mindfulness in the Operating Room… Providing care to your patients while avoiding becoming one another accredited Section 1 activity.

CPD Credits

This activity is an Accredited Group Learning Activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and was approved by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society. You may claim a maximum of 1 hour.

Access Details

This accredited activity has been developed from the recording of a live webinar that was hosted in February 2020. To participate in the webinar please visit this website: https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2179418/81C4B40E26A303468E847B8512805FD6

This program was delivered with financial support from an educational grant provided to the COS by the Canadian Medical Association, MD Financial Management and Scotiabank through the Affinity Agreement.

Western Canada Dry Eye Retreat

COVID-19 Note (from website): Please be patient as we review the information and implications of the rapidly evolving Coronavirus situation and the Public Health recomendations announced on March 12th. Info to follow as it becomes available. Thank you for your understanding.

The retreat is presented by CSI Clarity Seema Institute and will be held April 17 – April 19 , 2020 in Canmore, Alberta at the Malcolm Hotel.

Learn how to make dry eye treatments accessible and lucrative in your practice!

This weekend retreat is aimed at the Eye Care Professional who wishes to elevate their knowledge and confidence in efficiently integrating an evidence-based dry eye examination into their practice. The retreat discusses available therapeutic treatments, risks and complications. offer training for your frontline staff to elevate their comprehension of dry eye disease, and coach them on how to discuss dry eye testing and treatments including dry eye retail products.

CPD Credits

up to 12 CE credit hours* COPE accreditation pending** 22+ Cat 1 CE credits for Alberta OD’s

Access Details

For more information visit the event website https://www.csievent.com/

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