PCC Rounds – COMET: Clinical Applications for Ocular Surface Reconstruction

Joint International Rounds between Precision Cornea Centre (Ottawa, Canada) and Queen Victoria Hospital (NHS Foundation Trust) (London, UK)

Topic: COMET: Clinical Applications for Ocular Surface Reconstruction

Date: Tuesday March 9

Time: 5:00pm – 6:00 pm (EDT, UTC -5)

Presenter: Aida Hajjar-Sesé, MD

Registration: https://webinar.ringcentral.com/webinar/register/WN_PfbeXvmAQAuENe9XNm5MAA

Ottawa Lead: Kashif Baig, MD
London Lead: Aida Hajjar-Sesé, MD

Learning objectives:

At the end of this presentation the attendees will be able to: 1. Understand the assessment and diagnosis of Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency (LSCD) 2. Identify indications and advantages of Cultured Oral Mucosal Epithelial Transplantation (COMET) compared to other techniques of ocular surface reconstruction 3. Measure the success of the treatment


The Precision Cornea Centre International Rounds is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

CUGH Virtual Conference 2021- Addressing Critical Gaps in Global Health and Development

Topic: Addressing Critical Gaps in Global Health and Development


Visit Cugh Website

Virtual 2021 Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership

Registration is now open for the 2021 Canadian Conference on Physician Leadership (Apr. 26–29)

This year, the Canadian Society for Physician Leaders (CSPL) has partnered with Joule, a Canadian Medical Association (CMA) company, to offer a virtual conference with an expanded line-up of sessions: 4 masterclasses, 6 keynotes and 21 workshops. All sessions are delivered by experts in driving change, creative problem-solving and transforming health organizations.

Access Details

Register here

RESIDENT TEACHING – Closed Angle and Secondary Glaucoma

Date: Friday March 5, 2021

Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST

Topic:  Closed Angle and Secondary Glaucoma    

Speaker: Dr. Christoph Kranemann   

Zoom Link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87383096609?pwd=d2dzT2JaSDNwa1R2bEthc3dRZVg3Zz09

Passcode: cMNf66

Live Auction: Supporting people with sight loss in Atlantic Canada!

Supporting people with sight loss in Atlantic Canada!

Date: February 26, 2021
Time: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EST

About the Auction

As part of the East Coast Kitchen Party, this auction will raise essential funds to support innovative programs for people with sight loss in the four Atlantic provinces. These vital programs connect people with life-changing technology, prepare children and youth who are blind for life after high school, and transform our communities to be more accessible and inclusive.

Welcome Katie Kelly, Entertainment Host for CTV Morning Live and CTV News at 5, as our host and will feature an online auction, stories from CNIB program participants, and an incredible line-up of performers from across the Atlantic provinces.

Tickets: $25.00

Receive a tax receipt and support vital programs that are helping to change what it is to be blind.

Access Details

Register to the Live Auction Here!

Webinar: Fellowship considerations

Webinar: Fellowship considerations

Date: Tuesday, March 9
Time: 8 pm ET

Join this webinar which is designed for current and potential fellows where we will discuss: tax considerations, U.S. visas, financial planning strategies and special programs for fellows.

Access Details
Register Here

Webinar sponsored by MD Management

Focus on Glaucoma: Addressing Inequity in Access to Glaucoma Services

This webinar will address inequity of access to services to those most at risk within North America, with a particular focus on racial disparities in glaucoma.

Topic: Addressing Inequity in Access to Glaucoma Services
Date: Tuesday, March 9th, 2021
Time: 4pm- 5pm

Key topic areas:

Register Here.

RESIDENT TEACHING – Refractive Surgery

Date: Friday February 12, 2021

Time: 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Topic:  Refractive Surgery

Speaker:    Dr. John Lloyd

Zoom Linkhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81445376456?pwd=L0hlOHpsQTZRYmRtcE0rTkNjclZTdz09
Passcode: BUnw7A

Pause 4 Providers

Drop-in mindfulness sessions for healthcare providers

Join 30-minute online mindfulness sessions guided by Canadian healthcare providers to pause and make space to cultivate well-being and self-compassion. Sessions are open to healthcare workers, staff and professionals at no cost. View the schedule online.

Additionally, there are pre-recorded videos, created by healthcare providers who are experienced mindfulness teachers. View videos online.

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness meditation is an evidence-based treatment for stress management, reduction of anxiety and\for regulation of mood that fosters well-being, self-awareness, and coping. The aim of these drop-in groups is to help healthcare workers find a sense of wellbeing and self-compassion to cope with stress, emotional distress, change, loss, uncertainty, moral distress, manage anticipatory grief, and prevent burnout.

Access Details
