Professional Practice Webinar “MOC Update: Adding QI to your CPD Portfolio”

Topic: Professional practice webinar “MOC Update: Adding QI to your CPD Portfolio”
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Date and time: Thursday, November 25, 2021 12:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) Change time zone

Description: The Royal College has recently added quality improvement (QI) activities to its Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Framework, enabling fellows to earn MOC credits for their improvement initiatives. In this webinar, we will review the spectrum of QI work that is eligible for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) credit, and future plans for the Framework and Royal College QI support.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this session, attendees will be able to:
•discuss the wide range of improvement projects that are eligible for MOC credits
•summarize the planned changes to the MOC framework
•describe the QI support that the Royal College intends to provide for its Fellows

The session will be in English only. Attendees are welcome to submit questions to the Presenters in French.
The webinar will be recorded.

The event is an Accredited Group Learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and approved by the Royal College Continuing Professional Development Unit. You may claim a maximum of 1 hour (credits are automatically calculated).

Precision Cornea Centre Tech Day

Join us for PCC Tech Day on November 6th, 2021 at 9:00 am! A full day of education, catered to Ophthalmic Allied Personnel, COAs, COTs and COMT.

The focused topic of the 1st annual PCC Tech Day is Cornea & External Disease. This broad topic will be thoroughly presented by a prestigious faculty of experts and eye care professionals. Speakers will review the diagnosis and management of the more commonly encountered anterior segment disorders, technology & medical devices and procedures. Emerging disease entities, new approaches to multimodal imaging and an overview of new treatments will also be highlighted. PCC Tech Day is designed for eye care professionals of all practice profiles, fellows, residents, medical students, nurses and allied ophthalmic health personnel.


At the end of the PCC Tech Day, participants will be able to:
• Have a thorough understanding of anterior segment anatomy, pathology and various diagnostic equipment in treating dry eye
• Identify and understand different specialty contact lens options & choose appropriate lens technology in patients with previous corneal pathology
• Discuss use of multimodal imaging in cornea & external disease
• Implement the various approaches to treating corneal disorder, including the use of ocular and systemic medications, surgery and medical devices.
• Review the functionality of various types of intraocular lenses
• Review corneal transplant options and indications in patients in key corneal disorders such as Keratoconus and Fuchs Dystrophy.


The 1st annual PCC Tech Day has been submitted to the Joint Commission of Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology Continuing Education (CE) Credit Review Committee. This program has been accredited for 5.25 IJCAHPO CE credits. For more information, please visit


Program evaluation is a highly suggested component of the Joint Commission of Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology and Precision Cornea Centre Organizers. Your feedback is valuable for the continuous improvement of PCC Tech Day and is essential in developing a program that is relevant to your learning needs. Please complete an evaluation for each session that you attended and claim your CE credits. If not completed, your attendance will still be recorded during the program. The online evaluation is available here.

Agenda and details for PCC Tech Day :