April 16, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to widespread implementation of physical isolating measures and cessation of non-urgent medical visits and procedures. This document is to provide guidance to physicians caring for glaucoma patients to help mitigate the risk to patient and care provider while balancing the need for treatment to preserve vision. As this is a rapidly evolving health care crisis, these recommendations may be modified, and we urge all clinicians to use their own best judgement to individually manage patient care with best practices in mind. These recommendations are based upon and supplemental to the March 20, 2020 COS and ACUPO Guidelines for Ophthalmic Care during COVID-19 Pandemic and guidelines from American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the United Kingdom National Health Society guidelines.
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Read the full recommendations from the Canadian Glaucoma Society.
The Canadian Glaucoma Society Recommendations for Providing Eye Care to Glaucoma Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic was endorsed by the Canadian Ophthalmological Society (COS) and the Association of Canadian University Professors of Ophthalmology (ACUPO) on April 9, 2020.