UBC – Educational Resources

Educational Resources


CADTH Webinar – Does the Evidence Support the Hype? COVID-19 and Antiviral Treatments

Does the Evidence Support the Hype? COVID-19 and Antiviral Treatments

Date: May 29, 2020

Time: 12:00 p.m. to 12:45 p.m. EDT (Webinar)

Webinar Details

The magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic globally is generating considerable interest in options to prevent infection and minimize the impact if infection occurs. Pre-exposure prophylaxis and post-exposure treatment with a group of drugs called antivirals, sometimes in combination with an antibiotic, have been the subject of public debate and, at times, significant media reporting. Join us on Friday, May 29, 2020 for the evidence on two specific antiviral treatments that have been widely discussed — hydroxychloroquine (with or without the antibiotic azithromycin) and remdesivir. You’ll also learn about the clinical trials underway on the use of antivirals in preventing and treating COVID-19.


Webinar Registration

To participate, please register here (there is no cost). After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information about how to join the webinar.

Webinar: Post-COVID-19: The NEW Normal for Workflow & Patient Care?

Title: Post-COVID-19: The NEW Normal for Workflow & Patient Care?

Date: Monday, May 18th, 2020
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 pm EDT (11:00 am – 12:00 pm PDT)


As we are beginning to see in countries that have already started confinement, a consumer will likely only venture out to a clinic, or practice, if they are certain that their practitioner has implemented all required sanitary measures to treat customers safely.

Do you feel ready? You probably still have many questions.



Register here

Queen’s University – Educational Resources

Educational Resources



Webinar Series – Glaucoma Quarantini

Sponsored by Allergan, series of webinars taking place every Tuesday of the month of May

Date: May 5th,12th,19th and 26th         

Time:  4-5:30pm EST

Registration and Zoom link:


Webinar Topics :

Speaker Details:


Véronique Genest at [email protected]

Prism Rounds – Special Event: Surgical Feud!

Webinar Details

Date: MAY 9, 2020

Time: 12PM EDT

Special Event: Surgical Feud!
Two teams will battle it out with interactive case-based debates where top international eye surgeons are put on the spot to argue randomly assigned positions on complex and controversial subjects in today’s ophthalmology! This will be educational, fun and full of surprises!


Registration: Click here

Mise à jour sur le coronavirus (COVID-19)

Détails du webinaire

Date: Lundi, 11 mai 2020
Heure : 12 h HAE

S’inscrire au webinaire Vous devez au préalable vous inscrire ici.

Conférencière Dre Diane Francoeur Présidente, Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec


Objectifs d’apprentissage

À la fin de cette conférence, les participants seront en mesure :

Harvard Medical School – Clinical Management Through COVID-19 Webinar Series

Harvard Medical School -Clinical Management Through COVID-19 Webinar Series

It is hard to believe it has been over a month since the WHO declared the COVID-19 pandemic and I can imagine we are all slowly starting to adjust to the new “normal.”  At times I feel completely bombarded by all of the information available about the pandemic – it really is coming at us from all fronts. Overflowing email inboxes, the news, social media, medical literature…the list just goes on! The rate of new information about COVID-19 seems to be exponential and it’s a challenge to keep up. I had been searching for a few “go-to” resources that would give high yield, digestible, up-to-date summaries on key COVID-19 topics. I wanted to share this month with you a great online, webinar series I have been really enjoying for the past few weeks. Harvard PGME has put together a special continuing education webinar series that is given by various Harvard affiliated faculty. Each week they cover two different COVID-19 related topics on two separate days. Each webinar is an hour in duration and if you cannot watch it live, it is recorded and may be viewed at a later date. It was very simple to register for the webinar and then log on to view it. If you want to watch one to get a feel for the style, I highly recommend watching the one titled “Immunological testing during COVID-19.”  It helped answer a lot of questions I had around immunity, testing, vaccines and also the big question “when and how is this going to end?”  While not an ophthalmology specific resource, I have found them to very useful and a great complement to the COS “A Path to New Vision” webinars.

Check it out here: https://postgraduateeducation.hms.harvard.edu/continuing-education/covid-19-resources-providers

Accredited for 1 AMA PRA category 1 credit; Unaccredited by Royal College of Canada

Recommended by Dr. Anu Mishra, MD, MS-HPEd

Practice Resource Centre Committee Member, Canadian Ophthalmological Society

Webinar – Retina Connect: Using OCT to Improve the Outcomes of Macular Surgery

The University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences invites you to RETINA CONNECT.

DATE: Tuesday May 12, 2020 4pm EST

TOPIC: RETINA CONNECT – Using OCT to improve the outcomes of macular surgery

SPEAKER: Stanley Chang, MD Professor and Former Chair, Dept of Ophthalmology, Columbia University Medical Center


Webinar ID:

Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84833735381pwd=RUFzY2VucGxpR1Y5dEFpbXh2QS9RUT09

Password: connect


Please contact Sandra Gauci [email protected] or Deepa Yoganathan / [email protected]  for more information and questions.