Webinar- Retina Connect: AI-based measurement of fluid in anti-VEGF treatment guidance

The University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences invites you to RETINA CONNECT.

Webinar Details

Date: June 16, 2020 | 5:00pm–6:30pm

TITLE: RETINA CONNECT – AI-based measurement of fluid in anti-VEGF treatment guidance

SPEAKER: Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Professor and Chair, Dept of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Vienna


Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83515653672?pwd=KzRTSXBQM042RTlTUEQ2T3N0K2w0QT09

Password: connect

Canadian Glaucoma Society Recommendations for Providing Eye Care to Glaucoma Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic

Update – June 9, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic has led to widespread implementation of physical distancing measures and cessation of non-urgent medical visits and procedures. Many provinces and health authorities are now implementing relaxation of these measures. This document is to provide guidance to physicians caring for glaucoma patients to help mitigate the risk to patients and care providers while balancing the need for treatment to preserve vision. It is appropriate to resume seeing non-urgent and routine cases in areas where health authorities have relaxed isolation policies. As this is a rapidly evolving healthcare crisis, these recommendations may be modified, and we urge all clinicians to use their own best judgement to individually manage patient care with best practices in mind. These recommendations are based upon and supplemental to the March 20, 2020 COS and ACUPO Guidelines for Ophthalmic Care during COVID-19 Pandemic, the April 16 2020 CGS Recommendations for Providing Eye Care to Glaucoma Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the May 12 2020 COS Ophthalmic Clinic Reopening During COVID-19 Checklist, guidelines from the American Academy of Ophthalmology, and the United Kingdom National Health Society guidelines.

Read the Full Canadian Glaucoma Society Recommendations for Providing Eye Care to Glaucoma Patients During COVID-19 Pandemic.

Precision Cornea Centre International Rounds-Decoding the Evolution and Applications of Corneal Biomechanics

Joint International Rounds between Precision Cornea Centre (Ottawa, Canada) and Narayana Nethralaya Eye Hospital (Bengaluru, India)

Topic: Decoding the evolution and applications of corneal biomechanics

Presenter: Vaitheeswaran Lalgudi, MD

Date: Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Time: 7:00am – 8:00am (EDT, UTC-4)

Registration: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/6137462244

Ottawa Lead: Kashif Baig, MD
Bengaluru Lead: Vaitheeswaran Lalgudi, MD

Webinar – Consequences of COVID – Impact of Isolation

Series Overview

These sessions will provide an update on several aspects of the emerging COVID-19 pandemic. This will include current and up-to-date information regarding the disease, as well as the exploration of other medical areas affected by the pandemic. It will address the most recent information and direction from medical organizations within Alberta.

Date and time: June 10, 2020 7:00pm – 9:00pm MDT (9:00pm – 11:00pm EDT)

Session Objectives:



Register here

Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS) – Key Points

4 June, 2020


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic all elective surgeries in Canada were stopped. This has resulted in a large backlog of deferred cataract surgeries. As elective surgery slowly resumes, procedures and policies need to be changed to minimize the risk of COVID which will reduce efficiencies. To address the issues of COVID-19 risk and reduced efficiencies while trying to manage the significant backlog of cataract surgeries, immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS) may be a consideration. Evidence suggests similar visual outcomes and complications for ISBCS and delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery (DSBCS). The COS has developed this guidance document summarizing the pros, cons and logistical considerations of ISBCS. This document should not be considered a replacement of individual due diligence in reviewing the literature in this area and the importance of following best practice and the needs of the individual patient.

Read the full ISBCS guidance document from the Canadian Ophthalmological Society

Université de Montréal’s Virtual Monthly Grand Rounds – Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS)

Title: Immediately Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery (ISBCS) 

Date: 9 June 2020 |7pm -8:15 pm EST

Guest Speaker: Marie-Ève Légaré, Université Laval

MOC Credits : The Grand Rounds is a self-approved group learning activity (Section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. It is accredited for Section 1 MOC credits.

Registration :


Réunion # (Meeting ID) : 927 4945 8793

Mot de passe: 350008

Language : French

Webinar- Retina Connect: Buckling in the Modern Era

The University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences invites you to RETINA CONNECT.

Webinar Details

Date: June 9, 2020| 5:00pm–6:30pm

Title:  RETINA CONNECT – Buckling in the Modern Era

Speaker: Edwin Ryan, MD, VitreoRetinal Surgery, PA


Gary Abrams, Former Chair, Kresge Eye Institute, Wayne State University
Alan Berger, University of Toronto
Harry Flynn, Donald M. Gass Chair of Ophthalmology, Bascom Palmer
Xihui Lin, Kresge Eye Institute, Wayne State University
Shlomit Schaal, Chair, University of Massachusetts
George Williams, President, American Academy of Ophthalmology and Chair of Ophthalmology, Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine

Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81328253915?pwd=SERzVkxMYmxjY011aXBWVVUyUFpDdz09

Password: connect

Webinar – Paediatric Rounds Noninfectious uveitis in children – a case-based review

Wednesday June 3, 2020 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Webinar Details

Topic :  Noninfectious uveitis in children – a case-based review

Speaker:  Dr. Crystal Cheung


1.  To discuss the workup for new onset of uveitis in children

2. To review the JIA screening guidelines

3. To discuss the management non-infectious uveitis, particularly systemic immunomodulatory therapy

Zoom Link : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81131397996?pwd=eC9JTW5XUW5OOHZNMmUwaWZoZGJnZz09

Password: 5Z3pLN

Precision Cornea Centre International Rounds – Management, challenges, and outcomes of Boston Keratoprosthesis: What does the evidence tell us?

Joint Cornea Rounds between Precision Cornea Centre (Ottawa, Canada) and Department of Ophthalmology at University of Montreal (Montreal, Canada)

Topic: Management, challenges, and outcomes of Boston Keratoprosthesis: What does the evidence tell us?

Date: Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Time: 5:00pm – 6:00pm (EDT, UTC-4)

Webinar details: 
5:00 Mona Harissi-Dagher: “The Boston Keratoprosthesis in 2020”
5:05 Andrei Szigiato: “Long Term Visual Outcomes of the Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1 in Canada”
5:10 Taylor Nayman: “Long Term Outcomes Following Primary Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1 Implantation”
5:15 Saama Sabeti: “Fresh versus frozen corneal donor carriers in Boston Keratoprosthesis type 1 surgery: 10-year outcomes”
5:20 Roy Daoud: “Management of Corneal Melt in Patients with Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1: Repair versus Replacement”
5:25 Cristina Bostan: “Endophthalmitis in eyes with the Boston type I keratoprosthesis”
5:30 Dominique Geoffrion: “Glaucoma outcomes following Boston keratoprosthesis type 1 surgery”
5:35 Discussion (10 minutes)

Ottawa Lead: Kashif Baig, MD
Montreal Lead: Mona Dagher, MD

Registration: https://meetings.ringcentral.com/j/6137462244