2022 ASCRS Annual Meeting

American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2022 will be April 22-26 in Washington DC.

Access Details

For more details visit the ASCRS Website.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists COVID – 19 & Ophthalmology virtual conference

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) will host a virtual conference on COVID-19 and Ophthalmology on 20 October 2020. Content will include lectures and discussions on restarting services, operating theatre pathways, the impact on training, home testing, digital innovations, and the physical effects of the virus on the eye. Current ophthalmic services and how they may be run in the future will be covered. All content will remain available until 20 January 2021.

Access Details and Registration:

Learn more at www.eventsforce.net/rcophth/20/home

Launch weekend for Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology

Launch weekend for Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology GERSO (Global Education and Research Society of Ophthalmology) announce the launch of the GERSO Educational Series . This free digital training is provided by a Global faculty of leading ophthalmologists.

The 2-part training will take part on:

Date: Saturday 26th September and Sunday 27th September

Time: 1.30 & 5.30 pm GMT. 9:30am – 1:30pm EDT .


Registration is FREE and you can register here: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=qq7ofgjab&oeidk=a07eh96e05r5b568ba7

Access Details:

For more details visit the GERSO.ORG website.

Resident Teaching- Transient Visual Loss, Higher Cortical Hallucinations/Illusions AND Nystagmus – AAO5


Date: Friday September 25, 2020

Time: 8:45 AM – 12:00 PM EDT

Topic: Transient Visual Loss, Higher Cortical Hallucinations/Illusions AND Nystagmus – AAO5

Speakers: Drs. Paul Ranalli and Agnes Wong

Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89784283111?pwd=TTVnN0pzNk5sdlNLWGFjcVR5VTJlUT09

Passcode: FMjb1Z

Cornea Surgical Video Night

Date: Thursday September 24, 2020

Time: 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM EDT

Topic: DMEK Surgery

Speakers: Drs. Peter Veldman, Mark Terry, Eyal Cohen, Michael Mimouni

Registration:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DqakHsNETg-F-4c4DDT2sw

Learning Objectives: 

1. Discuss Novel Ways of DMEK Peeling
2. Discuss Unfolding Techniques for Different DMEK Configuration 3. Discuss DMEK Surgery Pearls
4. Discuss What not to do when doing DMEK

The 9th World Glaucoma E-Congress, 2021

The World Glaucoma Congress 2021 is going Beyond Borders and will be held from June 30th until July 3rd. This edition it will be a fully virtual meeting.

WGC-2021 Beyond Borders will offer educational exchanges, scientific news, and best practice updates. The congress will cover topics from basic science and genetics of glaucoma, to the latest developments in the medical and surgical management of glaucoma. It will be virtually hosted by the Japan Glaucoma Society (JGS).

Access Details

For more details visit the WGC-2021 website.

5th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress, 2021

In light of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 global pandemic, the Local Organising Committee and Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Society Board Members have agreed to reschedule the 5th Asia Pacific Glaucoma Congress to be held virtually from 4 – 8 June 2021.

Access Details

For more details visit the APGC website.

European Society of Ophthalmology 2021

A truly Comprehensive Ophthalmology meeting, delivering a world class scientific programme for all Ophthalmologists.

SOE are excited to announce Prague as the destination of the SOE 2021 Congress, the next European Congress of Ophthalmology from 10–12 June 2021. A selection of the best lecturers and teachers in the world will share their knowledge over the whole spectrum of ophthalmology and the most recent state-of-art equipment and devices will be on display at the exhibition.

Access Details

For more information on this event visit the meeting website.

Kiawah Eye 2021

June 3-5, 2021 , Kiawan Island, South Carolina

CPD Credits

Earn your CME credits! Up to 14.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™

Access Details

For more information regarding the event, please visit the Kiawah Eye Website