2023 American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting

March 2 – 5, 2023, Austin, Texas

The 2023 American Glaucoma Society Annual Meeting will be held at the Marriott Austin Downtown March 2 – 5, 2023. The meeting will also be offered virtually. 

Join the AGS in celebrating our 2023 honored guests and lecturers!

Guest of Honor – Paul F Palmberg MD, PhD
AGS Lecturer – Pradeep Y Ramulu, MD, PHD
Surgery Day Lecture – Jody R Piltz-Seymour, MD
President’s Award – Anne L Coleman, MD, PHD
Innovator Award – Douglas E Gaasterland MD
International Scholar – Jonathan G Crowston, MD, PhD
Clinician Scientist Lecture – Joshua D Stein, MD, MS
Outstanding Educator – Eydie G Miller Ellis, MD
Humanitarian Award – Alana L Grajewski MD

Save the Date – 2025 COS Annual Meeting & Exhibition

June 19th – 22nd, 2025

Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia

2024 COS Annual Meeting & Exhibition

The 2024 COS Annual Meeting will take place in-person in Toronto, Ontario.

This meeting boasts an outstanding international and Canadian faculty presenting the latest in ophthalmic research and practice. The COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition includes invited lectures, scientific papers, wet labs and workshops, as well as networking opportunities and an extensive exhibition of ophthalmic equipment and services.

The COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition brings together ophthalmologists and eye care professionals across the spectrum of vision health, from research to patient care.

Meeting Learning Objectives:

For more information, please visit: https://cos-sco.secure-platform.com/site

CJO: February 2023 Issue Highlights

The February 2023 CJO is now available online. Here are some of the highlights:

Editor-in-Chief’s report: 2022 at CJO: In this editorial, Dr. Varun Chaudhary highlights some of the CJO’s key accomplishments and outcome metrics from 2022, including the journal’s historic Impact Factor of 2.592.

Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our talented team of residents have summarized 5 articles with a focus on what’s most relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our December visual abstract, Comparative evaluation of dacryocystorhinostomy with retrograde intubation and conjunctivo-dacryocystorhinostomy.

Original research articles:
Prediction accuracy of intraoperative aberrometry compared with preoperative biometry formulae for intraocular lens power selection
Long-term follow up of choroidal changes following COVID-19 infection
• Myocutaneous sliding flap for reconstruction of divided eyelid nevus
Fall risk in patients with pseudophakic monovision
• Choroidal vascularity index in thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy

Research letters, photo essays, and case reports:
Surgical simulation in Canadian ophthalmology programs: a nationwide questionnaire [research letter]
Modified DMEK technique for eyes with hydrophilic intraocular lenses [research letter]
Canadian medical student perspectives on ophthalmology education: a needs assessment [research letter]
• Salt-and-pepper retinopathy: multimodal imaging of rubella retinopathy [photo essay]
• Laser-induced maculopathy after iris depigmentation cosmetic treatment [case report]
• Surgical management of a recurrent hereditary benign intraepithelial dyskeratosis lesion involving a Boston KPro [case report]
Determination of the size of the stripping area using trypan blue in Descemet’s stripping only [correspondence]

Follow the CJO on social media:
Facebook: CanJOphth
Instagram: @cjo_jco
LinkedIn: CJO – JCO
Twitter: @CanJOphth

17th International Ocular Inflammation Society (IOIS) Congress

September 6th to 9th 2023, Berlin, Germany

A 4-day Live Congress, exchanging experience and knowledge, organized by the International Ocular Inflammation Society in the cosmopolitan city of Berlin from 6-9 September, 2023.

It will be a unique gathering of 34 international societies, 14 Sections, free papers and other Special Interest Symposia. The program committee led by Russell Read has already outlined robust scientific sessions, covering the broad spectrum of intraocular and extraocular inflammatory and infectious disorders. Special focus will be led on recent advances in ocular imaging, as well as our current knowledge of the underlying inflammatory pathogenesis of disorders such as age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Considerable advances have been made in our comprehension of inflammation-related eye diseases, and recent scientific progress has paved the way to novel therapeutic approaches. Moreover, the program will include surgical interventions in uveitis complications such as medical and surgical management of inflammatory ocular surface diseases, keratopathies, glaucoma and retinopathies.

The 17th IOIS Congress will provide a unique opportunity for educational and scientific exchanges for academic and clinical researcher as well as health care professionals and health industry representatives. We value and encourage the active participation and contribution of all professionals interested in ocular inflammation.

WSPOS Myopia Consensus Statement 2023

WSPOS are excited to announce the release of the 2023 Myopia Consensus Statement prepared by WSPOS Bureau Members.
This is an update to the 2016 Consensus Statement and includes details on:
• Interventions To Slow The Progression Of Myopia
• What Does Not Work or Has Minimal Effect
• What Appears To Work
We invite you to view the 2023 Myopia Consensus Statement!

Read the full Statement here:


Foundations of physician wellness (on-demand)

Learn core concepts and a framework to approach physician wellness

TYPE: On-demand


Physician health and wellness is a critical issue that affects all members of a care team, patients and the overall effectiveness of the health system. Organizational factors such as challenging workloads, demanding learning and practice standards, rigid medical culture and complex practice environments all put physicians at a higher risk of experiencing personal and professional dissatisfaction, depression, burnout and suicide. To address these challenges, we must first understand the scope of the problem, including the individual and system drivers of burnout.

This self-led online course is designed for students, medical residents and physicians at all career stages. In this interactive course, you’ll review key concepts of physician wellness, explore organizational factors that drive burnout and review evidence-based findings on the interventions shown to protect against burnout and foster well-being.


COS Forum 2023: Building the Future of Ophthalmology

COS Forum 2023: Building the Future of Ophthalmology

In this webinar, we present speakers discussion initiatives of importance to ophthalmologists and other healthcare professionals:

In the presentations, you will:

Affect change through leadership opportunities on the Board of Directors or one of the COS Councils and Committees

Download the Video Here

LGBTQ2S+ Issues in Ophthalmology: Working Towards Equity Webinar

Videos Now Available for Download

On Wednesday, November 23, 2022 at 8:00 pm EST, COS presented a webinar entitled LGBTQ2S+ Issues in Ophthalmology: Working Towards Equity.

Dr Michael A. Puente presented this 1.5-hour webinar examining the status of health equity for LGBTQ2S+ patients and professional equity for LGBTQ2S+ ophthalmologists, with a view to creating safe spaces for and allyship with the LGBTQ2S+ community. The lecture was followed by a case-based panel discussion.

Speaker – Dr. Michael A. Puente, Jr. Michael Puente, MD, is an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Colorado and a pediatric ophthalmologist at Children’s Hospital Colorado. He is a co-founder of the LGBTQ+ Interest Group of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and volunteers as a mentor in AAO’s Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring Program. He serves as Vice-Chair of the Advocacy Committee of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus (AAPOS) and is a member of the AAPOS Taskforce on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. He has led an advocacy campaign to overturn the United States Food and Drug Administration’s ban on corneal donation by men who have sex with men, working with members of the United States Congress as well as leadership of the American Medical Association, Eye Bank Association of America, and AAO. He has presented on LGBTQ+ issues in

The full webinar video is available for download here.

If you would like to view specific topics from the video, please see the titles and links for download below:

  1. Sex
  2. Sexual Orientation
  3. Safe Space Part 1
  4. Safe Space Part 2
  5. Microaggressions
  6. LGBTQ2S+
  7. Intersectionality
  8. Implicit Bias
  9. Gender
  10. Two Spirit
  11. Allyship