The Programme de rétroaction personnalisée sur la pratique (PRPP) is an in-depth online assessment tool that allows Québec medical specialists to obtain feedback on their practice. The voluntary assessment was developed by the Fédération des médecins spécialistes du Québec (FMSQ).
The PRPP proposes three questionnaires aimed at the colleagues and patients of each physician. You may choose the questionnaire (or questionnaires) that will most likely inform and enlighten your thoughts on your practice:
- The colleague’s questionnaire enables the physician to obtain feedback and advice from medical and non-medical colleagues on his performance of certain CanMEDS roles. It contains 24 questions.
- The patient’s questionnaire enables the physician to obtain feedback and advice from patients on their doctor-patient relationship. It contains 17 questions.
- The clinic’s questionnaire enables the physician to obtain feedback from patients on their relationship with his support staff, as well as on the management and organisation of his practice. It contains 21 questions.
The PRPP allows various respondents to fill out questionnaires anonymously by using a unique identifier number. Assessment results are confidential and only the physician is able to access the data related to their practice. Questionnaires are available in both English and French.
Watch this short video for an overview of the PRPP process:
This training activity is a Section 3 multisource assessment program, as defined by the Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and approved by the Direction of Continuing Professional Development of the FMSQ.
Access Details
Visit the FMSQ website for more information on the Programme de rétroaction personnalisée sur la pratique (PRPP)