The August 2020 issue of the CJO is now available online. Here are some of this issue’s highlights:
Resident Perspectives + visual abstract: Our residents have summarized 5 articles that they feel are relevant to ophthalmology learners here in Canada and around the globe, including the article featured in our August visual abstract, Screening for obstructive sleep apnea amongst patients with retinal vein occlusion.
Review article: Endophthalmitis following intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor agents.
Original research, research letters, photo essays, and more, including:
- Obstructive sleep apnea evaluation in retinal vein occlusion patients: an opportunity for multidisciplinary care? [editorial]
- Segmentation errors and motion artifacts in OCT-A associated with epiretinal membranes [original research]
- Histopathologic changes in cadaver eyes after MicroPulse and continuous wave transscleral cyclophotocoagulation [original research]
- Management of patients with ocular neuropathic pain [research letter]
- Floriform cataract [photo essay]
- Berger’s space hemorrhage missing the visual axis [photo essay]
- Keratoconjunctivitis as the initial medical presentation of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) [case report]
- Delayed lung adenocarcinoma metastasis to the choroid in a non-end-stage cancer patient [case report]
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- Twitter: @CanJOphth
- Instagram: @cjo_jco
- Facebook: CanJOphth