The 2022 COS Annual Meeting and Exhibition will take place in-person in Halifax, Nova Scotia
June 9 – 12, 2022.
This meeting boasts an outstanding international and Canadian faculty presenting the latest in ophthalmic research and practice. The COS Annual Meeting includes invited lectures, scientific papers, wet labs and workshops, as well as networking opportunities and an extensive exhibition of ophthalmic equipment and services.
The COS Annual Meeting brings together ophthalmologists and eye care professionals across the spectrum of vision health, from research to patient care.
Meeting Learning Objectives
By participating in this year’s meeting, attendees will:
- Integrate into their practice, knowledge and skills gained from the sharing of Canadian and international research and scientific studies
- Discuss recent advances in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases
- Compare and contrast core concepts, new advances and clinical experiences by networking with colleagues and internationally renowned keynote speakers
- Enhance or develop new skills through hands-on learning experience in a Surgical Skills Transfer Course
- Appraise new and innovative technology and discuss developments in treatment and medical devices with industry representatives in the Exhibition Hall

If you have already registered thank you! We look forward to seeing you in Halifax.
For further information visit the 2022 COS Annual Meeting website: www.cos-sco.ca/COS2022